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DACS App Note

How to Convert .WAV Files for Use with Model Builder (#39)

A *.WAV file (or any other format, for that matter) is required to be converted into .AU format (Sun/Next) to allow direct use within Model Builder. There are various audio editing packages available however one we recommend is 'Cool Edit'.

Since the initial writing of this application note, Adobe purchased the rights to the Cool Edit software & the resulting software is named Audition. The instructions below were written with Cool Edit in mind, so may not match the steps needed to do the same thing in Audition.

Assuming you use Cool Edit, the process is (relatively) simple:

  1. Open the required .WAV file in Cool Edit.
  2. Ensure the sample rate is set to match the sample rate of the model you want to run the soundfile in. The sample rate for the file is shown on the first line of the summary box in the center of the screen immediately below the displayed waveform. It may read something like: "22050 / 16 bit / Mono".
  3. If the sample rate of your .WAV file does not match you Model Builder Model the sample rate will need to be converted. To determine the sample rate of the model see the MODELn CONFIGURATION WINDOW (where n = model number) and check the line titled "Sample Rate". To convert the sample rate to match the model do the following:
    1. Select the EDIT menu.
    3. Select the required sample rate (e.g. 8000) and click OK.
  4. Now to convert the file type, select the FILE menu, and select the SAVE AS option.
  5. Select SAVE AS TYPE.
  6. Choose the "Next/Sun(*.au,*.snd)" option.
  7. Ensure the bottom left tick box marked as SAVE EXTRA NON_AUDIO INFORMATION is not selected.
  8. Select the OPTIONS box.
  9. Ensure the "mu-Law 8-bit" option is selected and click OK.
  10. Enter a suitable name for the file (8 characters or less).
  11. Select SAVE.
  12. Copy this file to the A: drive, such that you can move this to the DACS.
  13. At the DACS, change directory to the required soundfile directory. This may be "C:\MBUILDER\USER\SOUNDS8" (for 8kHz samples), "C:\MBUILDER\USER\SOUNDS16" (for 16kHz samples), or "C:\MBUILDER\USER\SOUNDS22" (for 22kHz samples), typically. Note if you have customized your directory structure this may be different.
  14. Copy the soundfile into the directory.
  15. This file is now usable in the same way as a file created on the DACS. To insert the file into a model:
    1. From the MODEL'n' CONFIGURATION WINDOW (where 'n' = model number), select F2 key to bring up the menu.
    2. Select 'soundFiles'.
    3. Select 'End' key to take you to the end of the existing soundfile list.
    4. Select F2 to bring up the menu.
    5. Select 'aPend' to add the new soundfile to the end of the current list.
    6. Select 'File' (this assumes you don't want to add it into a new or existing Soundfile Group).
    7. Change the 'Identifier to the required name.
    8. Move the cursor down to the line titled 'Filename' and select the 'Delete' key, followed by the 'Enter' key. This then lists the files in the default soundfile directory. If necessary use the '..' selection to move up directories, and move down by moving the cursor onto displayed directories and selecting the 'Enter' key, until you locate the soundfile added earlier. Move the cursor over the soundfile and select the 'Enter' key. The soundfile will now be inserted into the model.
    9. Check the following in the lower portion of the page:
      1. 'File' is shown as 'Valid'.
      2. 'Sample Rate' matches the model rate.
      3. 'Format' is reported as '1'.
    10. If all is well then this file is ready to be used in the model. If not, check the process used to convert the format, Items 5 to 11 given above.