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Enhanced IP Multicasting Improves Internetwork Efficiency

IP Multicasting Example 1: Your WAN Chokes!

Broadcast WAN

In this scenario, every router connected to the WAN must inspect every voice packet from every operator connected to every DACS processing node.

For example, the router at Site C must examine each Site A intercom voice packet, and then discard it... even though the Site A intercom is for local use only. Then, there's Site B. Site B isn't involved in Exercise 1 at all, but the on-site router has to process each of those voice packets & discard them, too. What a waste of processing power!

Additionally, each T1 pipeline must carry all 24 voice streams. What a waste of bandwidth!

IP Multicasting Example 2: Your WAN Rocks!

Multicast WAN

In this scenario, each Multicast Router restricts all intercom traffic to the local network.

Remember Site C? No more Site A intercom voice packets to worry about... they don't even make it that far. Then there's Site B (deja vu). Site B's Multicast Router sends 3 voices to the WAN, and only has to inspect 6 incoming voices (3 for Exercise 1 which are trashed, and 3 for Exercise 2 which are passed through). Talk about light processing load!

Here, the T1 for Site A carries only 12 voices (50% reduction), where the T1s for Sites B & C carry only 9 voices (62.5% reduction). Check out that rockin' bandwidth!

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