Telestra 4.18-34080 Release Notes
Released: June 30, 2009
This software release supports the following base operating systems:
ASTi audio and I/O distribution devices use the following firmware version with this software release:
Hardware Device |
Firmware Version |
ACU2 (ACU2-04-02) |
† New version in this release.
- Added the sort order to offset by default in the IO Packet Editor.
- In the Sound Library, updated the limit of sounds per group to 512.
- Added Telestra web interface support for the ACU2 device.
- Added Studio Helper support for the ACU2 device.
- Added stereo support for the ACU2 in the Readiness Model.
- Added support for SAN Disk Array.
- Added support for simultaneous record/replay.
- Updated the "ace-user health" command to promote information reported using '-V' to replace the information reported using '-v.'
- New Telestra web interface renaming features for ACE-RIUs, which requires a reinstall of the current layout.
- Added the ability to use the 'Esc' key to close the active windows in Studio.
- Increased spacing in the Telestra web interface ACENet > Device List table columns for ease of readability. Also improved table headings for readability.
- Added key shortcuts for the Studio/ Commplan/ Fill, CTRL '-' (minus) to collapse all and CTRL '+' (plus/equals) to expand all. Also selecting the Fill in the left tree will collapse all.
- Added automated comma delimiters to frequencies in Commplan Nets.
- Added a timestamp next the .tsr files created during spectral plot generation in the Telestra web interface.
- Added the capability to configure multiple DIS interfaces including broadcast, multicast, unicast) on a per-exercise basis or per exercise range basis.
- Added the number of Text-To-Speech streams to the Telestra web interface Options page.
- Added support for ACU2 firmware and testing.
- Added the following new components:
- Audio/ Delay
- Audio/ MessageList
- DACSControl/ MessageList
- IOInterfaces/ RadiusChannel (expected name change in future release)
- IOInterfaces/ ACU2channel
- Radio/ Satellite
- Program specific components
- The Control/ MessageList component was removed.
- Improved PlaySound looped sounds based on index and true/false settings.
- Added the ability for the Transceiver component to output the geocentric location of the strongest in-tune transmitter.
- Fixed the MessageList component and moved it to the audio group.
- Improved Telestra web interface set/display gains for ACU2 channel mapping.
- Added the ability to plot simulator background noise profiles for Level D.
- Fixed the windows auto-size in Studio Radio Helper and Channel Helper windows.
- Internal enhancements for production tests.
- Fixed the script on the latest Telestra and SRR versions.
- Fixed the host out live capture feature for displaying data.
- Fixed the Sound Repository sound file selection GUI for when the waveset goes 2 or more folders deep.
- Fixed Telestra web interface on the Secure Telestra platform to display the OS.
- Fixed the multicast HostIn Packets to filter based on multicast group.
- Improved the latency when installing a Layout or opening the Load Viewer.
- Fixed the Load Viewer error that caused a force quit.
- Added a way to use generic wave files of uncertain length.
- Changed "ace-user" commands to run at a less than 'root' level.
- Updated Telestra software to handle ACENet device defaults names for use with the Readiness test.
- Improved Studio over WAN including Layout features that don't respond, which required a force quit.
- Fixed TDL packets that were causing the RNE to crash.
- Fixed the brown question marks that were appearing as component icons.
- Fixed Live Capture to display host input values correctly.
- Improved the Studio Log display for reading the latest log events.
- Fixed the traceback that displayed when opening live capture on the host in.
- Fixed the Audio/ LevelDCapture component 'testnumber' to default to 0.
- Improved the layout of the multicast host helper.
- Fixed the "ace-user health" command to remove false error messages.
- Improved Export Hosts Utility for host packets host number.
- Fixed the "rtexec_status" command which was hanging when attempting to load information from realtime.
- Fixed Telestra web interface ACENet Device List renaming features.
- Fixed random dropouts of the Telestra server in the Project Selector in Studio.
- Added legacy intercom waveform mapping.
- Fixed the ACENet device renumbering that caused the realtime to crash.
- Fixed the lower limit on Audio Pfilter gain.
- Adjusted anzac timing and performed stability updates.
- Fixed the memory leak on the Telestra server that occurred when reporting information to Anmon.