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vrcc.h File Reference

Voisus Remote Control Client (VRCC) Interface. More...


int VRCC_Start (int argc, char *argv[])
 Starts the VRC messaging client.
void VRCC_Shutdown ()
 Shuts down the VRC messaging client.
int VRCC_Update (void)
 Update the internal state of the VRC Client.
int VRCC_GetNamedLock (const char *name)
 Attempts to acquire a named lock.
void Voisus_ConnectServer (const char *target_ip)
 Connects to a Voisus Server.
void Voisus_ConnectSolo ()
 Connects to Voisus Solo.
int Voisus_SoloInstalled ()
 Gets whether Voisus Solo is installed.
void Voisus_Disconnect ()
 Disconnects from a Voisus Server.
int Voisus_Error ()
 Gets current Voisus error state.
void Voisus_Save ()
 Saves current client configuration to file.
const char * Voisus_LogPath ()
 Gets the path to the Voisus client log file.
const char * Voisus_ClientBuildVersion ()
 Gets the build version of the Voisus client.
const char * Voisus_ClientMsgVersion ()
 Gets the version of the Voisus client message protocol.
const char * Voisus_ClientMsgDate ()
 Gets the timestamp of the Voisus client message protocol.
const char * Voisus_ServerBuildVersion ()
 Gets the build version of the Voisus server.
const char * Voisus_ServerMsgVersion ()
 Gets the version of the Voisus server message protocol.
const char * Voisus_ServerMsgDate ()
 Gets the timestamp of the Voisus server message protocol.
const char * Voisus_SessionId ()
 Gets the session id for the current running scenario.
int Voisus_SessionId_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Session ID updates.
void Voisus_MonitorPowerEvents (int hwnd)
 Monitors for system power events (on Windows XP/Vista/7/8)
float Voisus_ServerMasterVolume ()
 Gets the master volume on the server.
float Voisus_ServerSidetoneVolume ()
 Gets the sidetone volume on the server.
void Voisus_SetServerMasterVolume (float volume)
 Sets the master volume on the server.
void Voisus_SetServerSidetoneVolume (float volume)
 Sets the sidetone volume on the server.
const char * Network_TargetIP ()
 Gets the Voisus Server address.
const char * Network_ClientIP ()
 Gets the Client address used to connect to the Server.
int Network_ConnectionStatus ()
 Gets the connection status of client.
int Network_ConnectState ()
 Gets the detailed connection state of the client.
const char * Network_ClientName ()
 Gets the user-settable client name.
void Network_SetClientName (const char *name)
 Sets the client name.
const char * Network_OperatorId ()
 Gets the unique ID of the Operator.
const char * Network_CloudSet ()
 Gets the last set Cloud to connect to.
const char * Network_CloudActive ()
 Gets the currently connected Cloud.
int Network_ConnectionMode ()
 Get the current connection mode (e.g. Cloud)
int Network_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Network updates.
int Role_ListCount ()
 Gets the total number of Roles available to the client.
int Role_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Role updates.
const char * Role_Name (int list_index)
 Gets the name of a specified Role.
const char * Role_Id (int list_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a specified Role.
const char * Role_NameActive ()
 Gets the name of the current Role.
const char * Role_IdActive ()
 Gets the unique ID of the current Role.
const char * Role_NameSet ()
 Gets the name of the last-set Role.
const char * Role_IdSet ()
 Gets the unique ID of the last-set Role.
int Role_AutotuneEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether autotune ability is enabled for a role.
int Role_RadCtrlEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether live radio control ability is enabled for a role.
void Role_SetRole (const char *role_id)
 Sets a new Role to connect with.
int Role_CallingEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether calling is enabled for a role.
int Role_CallPTTEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether PTT is required to transmit audio on a call.
int Role_CallAutoAnswerEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether auto-answer calls feature is enabled.
int Role_ChatEnabled (const char *role_id)
 Gets whether chat is enabled for a role.
int Role_ChannelDisplayMap (const char *role_id, int index)
 Get the channel index to display at a given offset.
int EntityState_ListCount ()
 Gets the total number of Entity States (Vehicles) available to the client.
int EntityState_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Entity State updates.
const char * EntityState_Name (int list_index)
 Gets the name of a specified Entity State (Vehicle)
const char * EntityState_Id (int list_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a specified Entity State (Vehicle)
const char * EntityState_NameActive ()
 Gets the name of the current Entity State (Vehicle)
const char * EntityState_IdActive ()
 Gets the unique ID of the currently selected Entity State.
const char * EntityState_NameSet ()
 Gets the name of the last-set Entity State.
const char * EntityState_IdSet ()
 Gets the unique ID of the last-set Entity State (Vehicle)
void EntityState_SetEntityState (const char *id)
 Sets a new Entity State (Vehicle) to connect with.
float Headset_VoxThreshold ()
 Gets the vox threshold.
int Headset_MicrophoneMode ()
 Gets the microphone mode.
float Headset_EarphoneVolume ()
 Gets the earphone volume.
float Headset_MicVolume ()
 Gets the microphone volume.
float Headset_MicLevel ()
 Gets the microphone level.
float Headset_SidetoneVolume ()
 Gets the sidetone volume.
int Headset_HasSidetone ()
 Gets whether headset has sidetone.
int Headset_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Headset updates.
void Headset_SetHeadsetPreset (int preset)
 Selects from a preset headset configuration.
void Headset_SetVoxThreshold (float threshold)
 Sets the vox threshold.
void Headset_SetMicrophoneMode (int mode)
 Sets the microphone mode.
void Headset_SetCallMicrophoneMute (int active)
 Sets the microphone mute during an active call.
void Headset_SetEarphoneVolume (float volume)
 Sets the earphone volume.
void Headset_SetMicVolume (float volume)
 Sets the microphone volume.
void Headset_SetSidetoneVolume (float volume)
 Sets the sidetone volume.
int Headset_DeviceConfigured ()
 Gets whether client successfully configure an audio device.
void PTT_SetPressed_Multi (int ptt, int pressed)
 Sets the software push-to-talk (PTT) state for a given PTT.
void PTT_SetPressed (int pressed)
 Sets the software push-to-talk (PTT) state for primary PTT.
int PTT_GetPressed_Multi (int ptt)
 Gets the current pressed state of a specified software push-to-talk (PTT)
int PTT_GetPressed ()
 Gets the current pressed state of the primary software push-to-talk (PTT) state.
int PTT_HWGetPressed_Multi (int ptt)
 Gets the current hardware push-to-talk (PTT) state (multiple)
int PTT_HWGetPressed ()
 Gets the current hardware push-to-talk (PTT) state.
int PTT_Version ()
 Gets the version count of PTT updates.
int Radio_ListCount ()
 Gets the current number of radios.
const char * Radio_Id (int radio_index)
 Gets the ID of a radio.
const char * Radio_Name (int radio_index)
 Gets the name of a radio.
void Radio_SetNet (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Sets the net for a radio by index.
void Radio_SetNetRxFrequency (int radio_index, const char *net_id, unsigned long long freq)
 Override the receive frequency for a net assigned to a particular radio.
unsigned long long Radio_NetRxFrequencyActive (int radio_index)
 Get the receive frequency for the currently tuned net of a radio.
void Radio_SetNetTxFrequency (int radio_index, const char *net_id, unsigned long long freq)
 Override the transmit frequency for a net assigned to a particular radio.
unsigned long long Radio_NetTxFrequencyActive (int radio_index)
 Get the transmit frequency for the currently tuned net of a radio.
void Radio_SetNetCrypto (int radio_index, const char *net_id, int system, int key)
 Override the crypto settings for a net assigned to a particular radio.
int Radio_NetCryptoSystemActive (int radio_index)
 Get the crypto system for the currently tuned net of a radio.
int Radio_NetCryptoKeyActive (int radio_index)
 Get the crypto key for the currently tuned net of a radio.
int Radio_NetCryptoEnabledActive (int radio_index)
 Get the crypto enable state for the currently tuned net of a radio.
const char * Radio_NetWaveformActive (int radio_index)
 Get the waveform (mode) for the currently tuned net of a radio.
void Radio_SetNetID (int radio_index, const char *net_id)
 Sets the net for a radio by unique ID.
int Radio_NetListCount (int radio_index)
 Gets the number of nets for a radio.
const char * Radio_NetName (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the name of a net by index for a radio.
const char * Radio_NetNameActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the name of currently selected net for a radio.
const char * Radio_NetID (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a net for a radio.
unsigned long long Radio_NetFrequency (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the frequency of the radio's net.
void Radio_SetNetWaveform (int radio_index, const char *net_id, const char *mode)
 Sets the waveform of the radio's net.
const char * Radio_NetWaveform (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the waveform of the radio's net.
int Radio_NetCryptoSystem (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the crypto system of the radio's net.
int Radio_NetCryptoKey (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the crypto key of the radio's net.
int Radio_NetCryptoEnabled (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the crypto enabled of the radio's net.
int Radio_NetFreqHopNetId (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the Net ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetFreqHopNetIdActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the Net ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetFreqHopTODActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the Time of Day (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetFreqHopWODActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the Word of Day (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetFreqHopLockoutActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the Lockout Set ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetFreqHopTransecKeyActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the Transec Key (for Frequency Hop nets only)
int Radio_NetSatcomChannel (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the SATCOM channel of the radio's net.
int Radio_NetTuningMethod (int radio_index, int net_index)
 Gets the tuning method of the radio's net.
const char * Radio_NetIDActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the unique ID of currently selected net for a radio.
void Radio_SetNetFreqHopParams (int radio_index, const char *net_id, int fh_netid, int fh_wod, int fh_lckt, int fh_tod, int fh_tsec)
 Override the frequency hop settings for a net assigned to a particular radio.
void Radio_SetReceiveEnabled (int radio_index, int enable)
 Sets the receive enable for a radio.
void Radio_SetTransmitEnabled (int radio_index, int enable)
 Sets the transmit enable for a radio.
void Radio_SetCryptoEnable (int radio_index, int enable)
 Sets the crypto enable state for a radio.
void Radio_SetSquelchLevel (int radio_index, float squelch_level)
 Sets the squelch level for a radio.
void Radio_SetVolume (int radio_index, float volume)
 Sets the receive volume for a radio.
void Radio_SetVolumeStereo (int radio_index, float volume_left, float volume_right)
 Sets the stereo receive volumes for a radio.
void Radio_SetBalanceDevice (int radio_index, int balance, int device)
 Sets the audio balance for a radio for specified playback device.
void Radio_SetBalance (int radio_index, int balance)
 Sets the audio balance for a radio (primary playback device)
void Radio_SetPTT (int radio_index, int ptt_index)
 Sets the PTT to use for a radio.
void Radio_SetRadioEffects (int radio_index, const char *effects_id)
 Sets the radio effects for a radio.
int Radio_IsReceiveEnabled (int radio_index)
 Gets the receive enable for a radio.
int Radio_IsTransmitEnabled (int radio_index)
 Gets the transmit enable for a radio.
int Radio_IsReceiving (int radio_index)
 Gets the receive state for a radio.
int Radio_IsTransmitting (int radio_index)
 Gets the transmit state for a radio.
int Radio_IsLockedOut (int radio_index)
 Gets the lockout state for a radio.
int Radio_IsShared (int radio_index)
 Gets whether a radio is shared by two or more operators. Shared radios are accessed through Entity States (Vehicles).
float Radio_Volume (int radio_index)
 Gets the receive volume for a radio.
float Radio_VolumeStereoLeft (int radio_index)
 Gets the stereo (left ear) receive volume for a radio.
float Radio_VolumeStereoRight (int radio_index)
 Gets the stereo (right ear) receive volume for a radio.
int Radio_IsNetLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether net selection is locked for a radio.
int Radio_IsRXModeLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether the RX enable is locked for a radio.
int Radio_IsTXModeLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether the TX enable is locked for a radio.
int Radio_Simulcast (int radio_index)
 Gets whether the radio is part of the simulcast group.
int Radio_BalanceDevice (int radio_index, int device_index)
 Gets the audio balance for a radio (left, right, center)
int Radio_Balance (int radio_index)
 Gets the audio balance for a radio (left, right, center)
int Radio_BalanceLockedDevice (int radio_index, int device_index)
 Gets whether balance selection is locked for a radio.
int Radio_BalanceLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether balance selection is locked for a radio.
const char * Radio_Type (int radio_index)
 Gets the type of radio (e.g. URC-200)
int Radio_CryptoEnabled (int radio_index)
 Gets whether radio has crypto mode enabled.
float Radio_SquelchLevel (int radio_index)
 Gets the squelch level of the radio.
int Radio_Version ()
 Gets the version count for radio updates.
int Radio_PTT (int radio_index)
 Gets the PTT identifier for the radio.
const char * Radio_RadioEffects (int radio_index)
 Gets the radio effects set for a radio.
int Radio_RadioEffectsLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether radio effects selection is locked for a radio.
const char * Radio_RadCtrlId (int radio_index)
 Gets the Radio Control Id of a radio configured to control live radios.
const char * Radio_RadBridgeId (int radio_index)
 Gets the Radio Bridge Id of a radio interfacing audio with live radios.
float Radio_AudioLevel (int radio_index)
 Gets the audio level of a radio.
int Radio_AudioLevelEnabled (int radio_index)
 Gets whether audio level calculation is enabled for a radio.
void Radio_SetAudioLevelEnable (int radio_index, int enable)
 Enables or disables audio level calculation for a radio.
void Radio_SetPlaysound (int radio_index, const char *playsound_id)
 Enables or disables background playsound mixed into mic audio for this radio.
const char * Radio_Playsound (int radio_index)
 Gets the unique ID of sound mixed into mic audio for this radio.
int Radio_PlaysoundLocked (int radio_index)
 Gets whether background playsound selection is locked for a radio.
int Radio_ScanEnabled (int radio_index)
 Gets whether scanner is enabled for a radio.
int Radio_ScanActive (int radio_index)
 Gets whether scanner is actively scanning for a radio.
float Radio_ScanHoldTime (int radio_index)
 Gets the hold time for a scanner.
float Radio_ScanHangTime (int radio_index)
 Gets the hang time for a scanner.
int Radio_ScanPlanActive (int radio_index)
 Gets the index of the scan plan in use for a scanner.
int Radio_ScanNetListMax (int radio_index)
 Gets the maximum number of nets for a scan list in a plan.
int Radio_ScanPlanListCount (int radio_index)
 Gets the count of scan plans for a scanner.
int Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Gets the count of nets in a scan plan for a scanner.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanNetName (int radio_index, int plan_index, int net_index)
 Gets the name of a net in a scan plan net list.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanNetID (int radio_index, int plan_index, int net_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a net in a scan plan net list.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetName (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Gets the name of the priority transmit net for a scanner.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetID (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Gets the unique ID of the priority transmit net for a scanner.
int Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Gets the count of priority receive nets in a scan plan for a scanner.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetName (int radio_index, int plan_index, int rx_index)
 Gets the name of a priority receive net for a scanner.
const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetID (int radio_index, int plan_index, int rx_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a priority receive net for a scanner.
int Radio_ScanPlanInvalidNets (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Gets whether there are invalid nets in the scan plan.
void Radio_SetScanEnable (int radio_index, int enable)
 Enables or disables a radio scanner.
void Radio_StartScan (int radio_index)
 Starts scanning.
void Radio_StopScan (int radio_index)
 Stops scanning and return to manual scanning mode.
void Radio_ScanNext (int radio_index)
 Changes to next net in scan list (manual scanning)
void Radio_ScanPrev (int radio_index)
 Changes to previous net in scan list (manual scanning)
void Radio_SetScanHoldTime (int radio_index, float seconds)
 Sets the hold time for a scanner.
void Radio_SetScanHangTime (int radio_index, float seconds)
 Sets the hang time for a scanner.
void Radio_SetScanPlanActive (int radio_index, int plan_index)
 Sets the active scan plan for a scanner.
void Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityTx (int radio_index, int plan_index, const char *net_id)
 Sets the priority transmit net for a scanner.
void Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityRx (int radio_index, int plan_index, int rx_index, const char *net_id)
 Sets a priority receive net for a scanner.
void Radio_AppendScanPlanNet (int radio_index, int plan_index, const char *net_id)
 Appends a net to a scan plan net list.
void Radio_RemoveScanPlanNet (int radio_index, int plan_index, int net_index)
 Removes a net from a scan plan net list.
const char * Net_Name (const char *net_id)
 Gets the name of a net using the unique ID.
void Log_Write (const char *function, const char *msg)
 Writes a message to the Voisus client log.
void Earshot_Enable (int enable)
 Enable Earshot support.
void Earshot_SetPTT (int ptt)
 Sets the Earshot push-to-talk (PTT) state.
int Earshot_Receiving (void)
 Gets the receive state for Earshot.
int Earshot_Transmitting (void)
 Gets the transmit state for Earshot.
void WorldPosition_Set (float xcoord, float ycoord, float zcoord)
 Sets the world position for a Voisus operator.
void WorldPosition_Get (double *xcoord, double *ycoord, double *zcoord)
 Get the world position for a Voisus operator.
int Joystick_ListCount ()
 Gets the current number of detected joysticks.
const char * Joystick_Name (int list_index)
 Gets the name of a specified joystick.
int Joystick_ButtonCount (int list_index)
 Gets the number of buttons for a specified joystick.
int Joystick_Active_Multi (int ptt)
 Gets the active joystick index for a specified PTT.
int Joystick_Active ()
 Gets the active joystick index.
int Joystick_ButtonActive_Multi (int ptt)
 Gets the active joystick button index.
int Joystick_ButtonActive ()
 Gets the active joystick button index.
int Joystick_Pressed_Multi (int ptt)
 Gets the current joystick pressed state.
int Joystick_Pressed ()
 Gets the current joystick pressed state.
void Joystick_SetButton_Multi (int ptt, int js, int btn)
 Selects the active joystick button.
void Joystick_SetButton (int js, int btn)
 Selects the active joystick button.
int Codec_Get ()
 Gets currently selected Codec.
void Codec_Set (int codec)
 Sets a new Codec.
void Call_GetLock ()
 Gets the lock on all Call and Endpoint data.
void Call_ReleaseLock ()
 Releases the lock on all Call and Endpoint data.
const char * Call_Create ()
 Create a new call and join it.
void Call_Invite (const char *call_id, const char *endpoint_id)
 Send an invitation to another endpoint.
void Call_Invite_Dial (const char *call_id, const char *endpoint_id, const char *dial_number)
 Send an invitation to an endpoint to dial a phone number.
void Call_Invite_Merge (const char *call_id, const char *endpoint_id, const char *old_call_id)
 Send an invitation to an endpoint to join a call and leave their current call.
void Call_Invite_Net (const char *call_id, const char *net_id)
 Send an invitation to join a radio net to call.
void Call_Invite_Radio (const char *call_id, const char *radio_id)
 Send an invitation to join a radio to call.
void Call_InviteCrew ()
 Invite all members of crew to a call.
const char * Call_IDFirst ()
 Get the first call in set of calls for this endpoint.
const char * Call_IDNext ()
 Get the next call in set of calls for this endpoint.
int Call_ListCount ()
 Get the size of the set of calls for this endpoint.
int Call_Endpoint_Version ()
 Gets the version count for call and endpoint updates.
const char * Call_Endpoint_IDFirst (const char *call_id)
 Get the first Endpoint for a call.
const char * Call_Endpoint_IDNext (const char *call_id)
 Get the next Endpoint for a call.
int Call_Endpoint_State (const char *call_id, const char *ep_id)
 Get the current state of an Endpoint on a call.
int Call_Invitation_Version ()
 Gets the version count for call invitation updates.
int Call_Invitation_First (CallInvitation_t *invite)
 Get the first Invitation from list.
int Call_Invitation_Next (CallInvitation_t *invite)
 Get the next Invitation from list.
void Call_Invitation_ClearAll ()
 Clear all invitations from list.
void Call_Progress (const char *call_id, int call_state)
 Update current state of user Endpoint for a call.
void Call_Leave (const char *call_id, int leave_reason)
 Leave a call with a specified reason.
void Call_PressKey (const char *call_id, const char *keys)
 Transmit a key press on a call.
void Call_LeaveRequest (const char *call_id, const char *endpoint_id)
 Request an endpoint to leave a call.
unsigned long long Call_StartTime (const char *call_id)
 Get the start_time of a call in seconds form unix epoch.
int Phone_ListCount ()
 Get the count phones for this endpoint.
const char * Phone_CallActive ()
 Get the active call ID.
float Phone_Volume ()
 Get the receive volume for a phone.
int Phone_Balance ()
 Get the audio balance (left/right/center) for a phone.
int Phone_IsTransmitting ()
 Get the transmitting state for a phone.
void Phone_SetCall (const char *call_id)
 Set the active call for phone.
void Phone_SetVolume (float volume)
 Sets the receive volume for a phone.
void Phone_SetBalance (int balance)
 Sets the audio balance for a phone (left/right/center)
void Phone_SetMuted (int mute)
 Sets the mute state for a phone.
int Phone_Muted ()
 Gets the mute state for a phone.
int Phone_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Phone updates.
void Voisus_ConnectCloud (const char *cloud_id)
 Connects to a Voisus Cloud.
void Cloud_GetLock ()
 Gets the lock on all Cloud data.
void Cloud_ReleaseLock ()
 Releases the lock on all Cloud data.
const char * Cloud_IDFirst ()
 Get the first Cloud.
const char * Cloud_IDNext ()
 Get the next Cloud.
int Cloud_ListCount ()
 Gets the current number of detected clouds.
int Cloud_GetServerCount (const char *uuid)
 Gets the current number of detected clouds.
int Cloud_Version ()
 Gets the version count for Clouds.
void Operator_GetLock ()
 Gets the lock on all Operator data.
void Operator_ReleaseLock ()
 Releases the lock on all Operator data.
const char * Operator_IDFirst ()
 Get the first Operator.
const char * Operator_IDNext ()
 Get the next Operator.
int Operator_ListCount ()
 Gets the current number of Operators.
const char * Operator_GetField (const char *uuid, const char *field_name)
 Get a field for an Operator.
int Operator_Version ()
 Gets the version count for Operators.
int RadCtrl_ListCount ()
 Gets the number of radios that can be controlled.
const char * RadCtrl_Name (int index)
 Gets the name of a live radio to control.
void RadCtrl_Poll (const char *name)
 Poll server for updated radio state information.
const char * RadCtrl_GetValueStr (const char *name, const char *setting)
 Get live radio setting string value by name.
const char * RadCtrl_GetOptionsStr (const char *name, const char *setting)
 Get list of options for a live radio string setting.
int RadCtrl_GetValueInt (const char *name, const char *setting)
 Get live radio setting int value by name.
float RadCtrl_GetValueFloat (const char *name, const char *setting)
 Get live radio setting float value by name.
void RadCtrl_SetValueStr (const char *name, const char *setting, const char *value)
 Change a string setting of a live radio.
void RadCtrl_SetValueInt (const char *name, const char *setting, int value)
 Change an integer setting of a live radio.
void RadCtrl_SetValueFloat (const char *name, const char *setting, float value)
 Change a float setting of a live radio.
const char * RadCtrl_Error ()
 Get error string for last radio control "set" operation.
int RadCtrl_ErrorVersion ()
 Gets the version count of Radio Control responses to new settings.
void DIS_SetParams (DISParams_t *dis_params)
 Update user-settable DIS parameters for an operator.
void DIS_GetParams (DISParams_t *dis_params)
 Get DIS parameters configured on server for an operator.
void DIS_SetExercise (int exercise)
 Update DIS exercise for operator radios.
int DIS_GetExercise ()
 Get DIS exercise for operator radios.
double DIS_GetSimTime ()
 Get DIS simulation time.
void AuxAudio_Enable (int enable, unsigned int sample_rate, unsigned int encoding)
 Enable/disable auxiliary audio input to client.
void AuxAudio_Send (unsigned char *samples, unsigned int len)
 Send auxiliary audio to server (substitute for mic audio)
void AuxAudio_Register (AudioCallback func)
 Register callback to receive auxiliary audio from server.
int RadioEffects_Version ()
 Gets the version count for radio effects updates.
int RadioEffects_ListCount ()
 Get the number of radio effects.
const char * RadioEffects_IDFirst ()
 Get the first radio effect in set of radio effects.
const char * RadioEffects_IDNext ()
 Get the next radio effect in set of radio effects.
const char * RadioEffects_Name (const char *radio_effects_id)
 Get the name of a radio effect.
int Jammer_Version ()
 Gets the version count for jammer updates.
int Jammer_ListCount ()
 Gets the current number of jammers.
int Jammer_NetListCount (int jammer_index)
 Gets the number of nets for a jammer.
const char * Jammer_NetName (int jammer_index, int net_index)
 Gets the name of a net for a jammer.
unsigned long long Jammer_NetFrequency (int jammer_index, int net_index)
 Gets the frequency of a net for a jammer.
const char * Jammer_NetWaveform (int jammer_index, int net_index)
 Gets the waveform of a net for a jammer.
const char * Jammer_NetID (int jammer_index, int net_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a net for a jammer.
const char * Jammer_NetIDActive (int jammer_index)
 Gets the unique ID of currently selected net for a jammer.
unsigned long long Jammer_NetFrequencyActive (int jammer_index)
 Gets the frequency of currently selected net for a jammer.
const char * Jammer_NetWaveformActive (int jammer_index)
 Get the waveform (mode) of the currently selected net for a jammer.
int Jammer_IsTransmitting (int jammer_index)
 Gets the transmit state for a jammer.
int Jammer_IsReceiving (int jammer_index)
 Gets the receivie state for a jammer.
int Jammer_IsSpoofing (int jammer_index)
 Gets the spoofing state for a jammer.
int Jammer_IsEnabled (int jammer_index)
 Gets the enabled state for a jammer.
void Jammer_SetNetID (int jammer_index, const char *net_id)
 Sets the net for a jammer by unique ID.
void Jammer_SetEnable (int jammer_index, int enable)
 Enable/disable a jammer to begin/end transmission.
void Jammer_StartRecording (int jammer_index, int duration_secs)
 Start recording audio received by the jammer.
void Jammer_StopRecording (int jammer_index)
 Stop recording audio received by the jammer.
void Jammer_StartReplaying (int jammer_index, int loop)
 Start transmitting previously recorded audio out the jammer.
void Jammer_StopReplaying (int jammer_index)
 Stop transmitting previously recorded audio out the jammer.
int Jammer_RecordReplayState (int jammer_index)
 Get the current state of the jammer's record/replay functions.
int Jammer_RecordReplayProgress (int jammer_index)
 Get the progress of an active recording or replaying.
int Jammer_RecordReplayDurationMs (int jammer_index)
 Get the duration of the last recording in milliseconds.
const char * AudioDevice_IDActive (AudioDeviceType_t type)
 Gets the unique ID of an active audio device (Primary device only)
const char * AudioDevice_PlaybackIDActive (int device)
 Gets the unique ID of the active Playback audio device.
const char * AudioDevice_CaptureIDActive (int device)
 Gets the unique ID of the active Capture audio device.
const char * AudioDevice_IDFirst (AudioDeviceType_t type)
 Get the first audio device of specified type.
const char * AudioDevice_IDNext (AudioDeviceType_t type)
 Get the next audio device of specified type.
const char * AudioDevice_Name (AudioDeviceType_t type, const char *id)
 Get the name of an audio device of specified type by ID.
void AudioDevice_SetDevice (AudioDeviceType_t type, const char *id)
 Set the audio device (playback or capture) to use (Primary device only)
void AudioDevice_SetPlayback (int device, const char *id)
 Set a playback audio device to use.
void AudioDevice_SetCapture (int device, const char *id)
 Set a capture audio device to use.
int AudioDevice_Version ()
 Gets the version count of Audio Device updates.
void Replay_Create (unsigned int milliseconds)
 Create new replay and seek to offset.
void Replay_Resume (void)
 Continue a paused replay.
void Replay_Pause (void)
 Pause a playing replay.
void Replay_Seek (unsigned int milliseconds)
 Change to new offset in replay.
int Replay_Length (void)
 Get the length of the replay in milliseconds.
int Replay_Offset (void)
 Get the offset from end of the replay in milliseconds.
int Replay_Replaying (void)
 Get whether replay is currently replaying.
int License_Request (const char *type)
 Request a new license of specified type.
void License_Release (int license_id)
 Release a license.
int License_Status (int license_id)
 Get status of license request.
int Playsound_ListCount (void)
 Gets the current number of Client Playsounds.
const char * Playsound_Name (const char *playsound_id)
 Gets the name of a specified playsound.
const char * Playsound_Id (int playsound_index)
 Gets the unique ID of a specified playsound.
int Playsound_Version (void)
 Gets the version count of Playsound updates.
void Test_SetTestMode (int mode, int value)
 Sets the test mode.
const char * Rmtx_IDFirst ()
const char * Rmtx_IDNext ()
int Rmtx_ListCount ()
const char * Rmtx_GetField (const char *uuid, const char *field_name)
int Rmtx_Version ()
void Rmtx_AutotuneRadio (const char *uuid, int r_index)
void Rmtx_AutotuneJammer (const char *uuid, int j_index)
void Rmtx_Radiomon (int status)

Detailed Description

Voisus Remote Control Client (VRCC) Interface.

The Voisus Remote Control Client library provides an interface for interacting with the Voisus Client. Using this library, a developer can integrate the same functionality demonstrated in the ASTi Voisus Client into a user application.

Please note that the API is not thread-safe, therefore all calls to API functions must be made from the same thread.

Function Documentation

◆ AudioDevice_CaptureIDActive()

const char * AudioDevice_CaptureIDActive ( int device)

Gets the unique ID of the active Capture audio device.

Capture devices are microphones

deviceCapture device number (starting at 0)
audio device ID, or empty string

◆ AudioDevice_IDActive()

const char * AudioDevice_IDActive ( AudioDeviceType_t type)

Gets the unique ID of an active audio device (Primary device only)

typeType of audio device (playback/capture) of type AudioDeviceType_t
audio device ID, or empty string
Use AudioDevice_PlaybackIDActive and AudioDevice_CaptureIDActive to access device selections other than primary
See also
AudioDevice_PlaybackIDActive, AudioDevice_CaptureIDActive

◆ AudioDevice_IDFirst()

const char * AudioDevice_IDFirst ( AudioDeviceType_t type)

Get the first audio device of specified type.

typeType of audio device (playback/capture) of type AudioDeviceType_t
Unique ID of device, or empty string if none

◆ AudioDevice_IDNext()

const char * AudioDevice_IDNext ( AudioDeviceType_t type)

Get the next audio device of specified type.

typeType of audio device (playback/capture) of type AudioDeviceType_t
Unique ID of device, or empty string if none
See also

◆ AudioDevice_Name()

const char * AudioDevice_Name ( AudioDeviceType_t type,
const char * id )

Get the name of an audio device of specified type by ID.

typeType of audio device (playback/capture) of type AudioDeviceType_t
idUnique ID of device
Name of device, or empty string if ID is not found
See also
AudioDevice_IDFirst, AudioDevice_IDNext

◆ AudioDevice_PlaybackIDActive()

const char * AudioDevice_PlaybackIDActive ( int device)

Gets the unique ID of the active Playback audio device.

Playback devices are speakers and headsets

devicePlayback device number (starting at 0)
audio device ID, or empty string

◆ AudioDevice_SetCapture()

void AudioDevice_SetCapture ( int device,
const char * id )

Set a capture audio device to use.

deviceCapture device number, starting at 0
idUnique ID of device
See also
AudioDevice_IDFirst, AudioDevice_IDNext

◆ AudioDevice_SetDevice()

void AudioDevice_SetDevice ( AudioDeviceType_t type,
const char * id )

Set the audio device (playback or capture) to use (Primary device only)

typeType of audio device (playback/capture) of type AudioDeviceType_t
idUnique ID of device
Use AudioDevice_SetPlayback and AudioDevice_SetCapture to set devices other than primary
See also
AudioDevice_IDFirst, AudioDevice_IDNext, AudioDevice_SetPlayback, AudioDevice_SetCapture

◆ AudioDevice_SetPlayback()

void AudioDevice_SetPlayback ( int device,
const char * id )

Set a playback audio device to use.

devicePlayback device number, starting at 0
idUnique ID of device
See also
AudioDevice_IDFirst, AudioDevice_IDNext

◆ AudioDevice_Version()

int AudioDevice_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Audio Device updates.

This counter increments when audio device information is updated.

count of audio device updates

◆ AuxAudio_Enable()

void AuxAudio_Enable ( int enable,
unsigned int sample_rate,
unsigned int encoding )

Enable/disable auxiliary audio input to client.

enable1 for enable, 0 for disable
sample_rateAudio sample rate (in Hz)
encodingAudio sample encoding (in AudioEncoding_t)
See also

◆ AuxAudio_Register()

void AuxAudio_Register ( AudioCallback func)

Register callback to receive auxiliary audio from server.

funcAudio callback function of type AudioCallback
See also
AuxAudio_Enable, AuxAudio_Send

◆ AuxAudio_Send()

void AuxAudio_Send ( unsigned char * samples,
unsigned int len )

Send auxiliary audio to server (substitute for mic audio)

samplesAudio samples
lenLength of audio samples (in bytes)
See also

◆ Call_Create()

const char * Call_Create ( )

Create a new call and join it.

For more information, see documentation on Calls.

This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
32-character unique ID of call
See also
Call_Invite, Phone_SetCall

◆ Call_Endpoint_IDFirst()

const char * Call_Endpoint_IDFirst ( const char * call_id)

Get the first Endpoint for a call.

32-character unique ID of endpoint, or empty string if none

◆ Call_Endpoint_IDNext()

const char * Call_Endpoint_IDNext ( const char * call_id)

Get the next Endpoint for a call.

32-character unique ID of endpoint, or empty string if none
See also

◆ Call_Endpoint_State()

int Call_Endpoint_State ( const char * call_id,
const char * ep_id )

Get the current state of an Endpoint on a call.

For more information, see documentation on Calls.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
ep_id32-character unique ID of endpoint
state of type CallProgress_t
See also

◆ Call_Endpoint_Version()

int Call_Endpoint_Version ( )

Gets the version count for call and endpoint updates.

This counter increments when any Call or Endpoint information is updated

count of updates

◆ Call_GetLock()

void Call_GetLock ( )

Gets the lock on all Call and Endpoint data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Call_IDFirst()

const char * Call_IDFirst ( )

Get the first call in set of calls for this endpoint.

32-character unique ID of call, or empty string if none

◆ Call_IDNext()

const char * Call_IDNext ( )

Get the next call in set of calls for this endpoint.

32-character unique ID of call, or empty string if none
See also

◆ Call_Invitation_ClearAll()

void Call_Invitation_ClearAll ( )

Clear all invitations from list.

This method should be called after all invitations in the list are read.

Invitations are one-way notifications without state and will not time out.

◆ Call_Invitation_First()

int Call_Invitation_First ( CallInvitation_t * invite)

Get the first Invitation from list.

Invitations will remain until cleared with Call_Invitation_ClearAll

invitepointer to structure of type CallInvitation_t (for return value)
1 if invitation found, 0 otherwise

◆ Call_Invitation_Next()

int Call_Invitation_Next ( CallInvitation_t * invite)

Get the next Invitation from list.

Invitations will remain until cleared with Call_Invitation_ClearAll

invitepointer to structure of type CallInvitation_t (for return value)
1 if invitation found, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Call_Invitation_Version()

int Call_Invitation_Version ( )

Gets the version count for call invitation updates.

This counter increments when any invitation is added

count of updates

◆ Call_Invite()

void Call_Invite ( const char * call_id,
const char * endpoint_id )

Send an invitation to another endpoint.

For more information, see documentation on Invitations.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
endpoint_id32-character unique ID of endpoint to invite
See also

◆ Call_Invite_Dial()

void Call_Invite_Dial ( const char * call_id,
const char * endpoint_id,
const char * dial_number )

Send an invitation to an endpoint to dial a phone number.

Intended for use with endpoints representing phone lines.

If the invited endpoint accepts the invitation, client will
automatically leave current call and be transferred to new call.

For more information, see documentation on Invitations.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
endpoint_id32-character unique ID of endpoint to invite
dial_numberstring containing the phone number to call
See also

◆ Call_Invite_Merge()

void Call_Invite_Merge ( const char * call_id,
const char * endpoint_id,
const char * old_call_id )

Send an invitation to an endpoint to join a call and leave their current call.

Intended for use as call merging

For more information, see documentation on Invitations.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
endpoint_id32-character unique ID of endpoint to invite
old_call_id32-character unique ID of call for endpoint to leave
See also

◆ Call_Invite_Net()

void Call_Invite_Net ( const char * call_id,
const char * net_id )

Send an invitation to join a radio net to call.

Intended for use with radio net ids in call system

call_id32-character unique ID of call
net_id32-character unique ID of radio net to invite

◆ Call_Invite_Radio()

void Call_Invite_Radio ( const char * call_id,
const char * radio_id )

Send an invitation to join a radio to call.

Intended for use with radio ids in call system

call_id32-character unique ID of call
radio_id32-character unique ID of radio to invite

◆ Call_InviteCrew()

void Call_InviteCrew ( )

Invite all members of crew to a call.

◆ Call_Leave()

void Call_Leave ( const char * call_id,
int leave_reason )

Leave a call with a specified reason.

For more information, see documentation on Calls.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
leave_reasonreason of type CallLeave_t

◆ Call_LeaveRequest()

void Call_LeaveRequest ( const char * call_id,
const char * endpoint_id )

Request an endpoint to leave a call.

Intended for canceling call invitations.

Only endpoints with call state of signaling will leave call.

Endpoints in Connected and Holding states will ignore the request.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
call_id32-character unique ID of endpoint

◆ Call_ListCount()

int Call_ListCount ( )

Get the size of the set of calls for this endpoint.

count of calls

◆ Call_PressKey()

void Call_PressKey ( const char * call_id,
const char * keys )

Transmit a key press on a call.

Intended for sending DTMF tones on phone lines

call_id32-character unique ID of call
keysstring containing the keys to be pressed in sequence (e.g. "123#")

◆ Call_Progress()

void Call_Progress ( const char * call_id,
int call_state )

Update current state of user Endpoint for a call.

For more information, see documentation on Calls.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
call_statestate of type CallProgress_t

◆ Call_ReleaseLock()

void Call_ReleaseLock ( )

Releases the lock on all Call and Endpoint data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Call_StartTime()

unsigned long long Call_StartTime ( const char * call_id)

Get the start_time of a call in seconds form unix epoch.

call_id32-character unique ID of call
start_time of call in seconds, -1 if not found

◆ Cloud_GetLock()

void Cloud_GetLock ( )

Gets the lock on all Cloud data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Cloud_GetServerCount()

int Cloud_GetServerCount ( const char * uuid)

Gets the current number of detected clouds.

number of clouds
See also
Cloud_IDFirst, Cloud_IDNext

◆ Cloud_IDFirst()

const char * Cloud_IDFirst ( )

Get the first Cloud.

32-character unique ID of Cloud, or empty string if none

◆ Cloud_IDNext()

const char * Cloud_IDNext ( )

Get the next Cloud.

32-character unique ID of Cloud, or empty string if none
See also

◆ Cloud_ListCount()

int Cloud_ListCount ( )

Gets the current number of detected clouds.

number of clouds

◆ Cloud_ReleaseLock()

void Cloud_ReleaseLock ( )

Releases the lock on all Cloud data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Cloud_Version()

int Cloud_Version ( )

Gets the version count for Clouds.

This counter increments when any cloud information is updated. (e.g. new server added/removed)

count of cloud updates

◆ Codec_Get()

int Codec_Get ( )

Gets currently selected Codec.

codec of type Codec_t

◆ Codec_Set()

void Codec_Set ( int codec)

Sets a new Codec.

codecvalue of type Codec_t

◆ DIS_GetExercise()

int DIS_GetExercise ( )

Get DIS exercise for operator radios.

DIS exercise number for operator radios
See also

◆ DIS_GetParams()

void DIS_GetParams ( DISParams_t * dis_params)

Get DIS parameters configured on server for an operator.

Values are returned in the DISParams_t structure

See also

◆ DIS_GetSimTime()

double DIS_GetSimTime ( )

Get DIS simulation time.

Current time in seconds since epoch or 0.0 if simulation time is unavailabe

◆ DIS_SetExercise()

void DIS_SetExercise ( int exercise)

Update DIS exercise for operator radios.

exercisevalue of new exercise in the range 1-255
See also

◆ DIS_SetParams()

void DIS_SetParams ( DISParams_t * dis_params)

Update user-settable DIS parameters for an operator.

Settable fields are site, app, entity and radio_offset in the DISParams_t

structure. Set values to 0 to use system defaults.

See also

◆ Earshot_Enable()

void Earshot_Enable ( int enable)

Enable Earshot support.

This function must be called with a non-zero argument before any other Earshot calls are made. By default, Earshot is disabled.

enablenon-zero for enable, 0 for disable

◆ Earshot_Receiving()

int Earshot_Receiving ( void )

Gets the receive state for Earshot.

1 for receiving, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Earshot_SetPTT()

void Earshot_SetPTT ( int ptt)

Sets the Earshot push-to-talk (PTT) state.

When the ptt parameter is non-zero, audio will be transmitted into the ambient sound environment.

ptt1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Earshot_Transmitting()

int Earshot_Transmitting ( void )

Gets the transmit state for Earshot.

1 for transmitting, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ EntityState_Id()

const char * EntityState_Id ( int list_index)

Gets the unique ID of a specified Entity State (Vehicle)

list_indexindex of entity state in list
32-character unique identifier of Entity State, or empty string
See also

◆ EntityState_IdActive()

const char * EntityState_IdActive ( )

Gets the unique ID of the currently selected Entity State.

This value updates only after Entity State is set successfully

32-character unique identifier of Entity State, or empty string

◆ EntityState_IdSet()

const char * EntityState_IdSet ( )

Gets the unique ID of the last-set Entity State (Vehicle)

This value updates immediately

32-character unique identifier for Entity State, or empty string

◆ EntityState_ListCount()

int EntityState_ListCount ( )

Gets the total number of Entity States (Vehicles) available to the client.

number of entity states

◆ EntityState_Name()

const char * EntityState_Name ( int list_index)

Gets the name of a specified Entity State (Vehicle)

list_indexindex of entity state in list
name of Entity State, or empty string
See also

◆ EntityState_NameActive()

const char * EntityState_NameActive ( )

Gets the name of the current Entity State (Vehicle)

This value updates only after Entity State is set successfully

name of Entity State, or empty string
See also

◆ EntityState_NameSet()

const char * EntityState_NameSet ( )

Gets the name of the last-set Entity State.

This value updates immediately

name of Entity State, or empty string

◆ EntityState_SetEntityState()

void EntityState_SetEntityState ( const char * id)

Sets a new Entity State (Vehicle) to connect with.

Sends a request to connect to a new entity state with the specified unique ID. When the connection is complete, the value returned by EntityState_IdActive will match the id parameter.

id32-character unique identifier for Entity State
See also

◆ EntityState_Version()

int EntityState_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Entity State updates.

This counter increments when entity state information is updated.

count of entity state updates

◆ Headset_DeviceConfigured()

int Headset_DeviceConfigured ( )

Gets whether client successfully configure an audio device.

1 for configured, 0 otherwise

◆ Headset_EarphoneVolume()

float Headset_EarphoneVolume ( )

Gets the earphone volume.

volume in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Headset_HasSidetone()

int Headset_HasSidetone ( )

Gets whether headset has sidetone.

1 if headset has sidetone, 0 otherwise

◆ Headset_MicLevel()

float Headset_MicLevel ( )

Gets the microphone level.

The mic level will be the RMS of the previous mic packet. The level will only be computed during mic test.

Mic Audio RMS

◆ Headset_MicrophoneMode()

int Headset_MicrophoneMode ( )

Gets the microphone mode.

The mode can either be Off, Vox, PTT, or Hot. In vox mode, voice level determines transmission activity (based on vox threshold). In PTT mode, transmission is only made when PTT is pressed. In hot mode, voice transmission is always active.

mode of type MicMode_t

◆ Headset_MicVolume()

float Headset_MicVolume ( )

Gets the microphone volume.

volume in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Headset_SetCallMicrophoneMute()

void Headset_SetCallMicrophoneMute ( int active)

Sets the microphone mute during an active call.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 7.12.0 and above
active1 => mute is active, 0 => mute is inactive

◆ Headset_SetEarphoneVolume()

void Headset_SetEarphoneVolume ( float volume)

Sets the earphone volume.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Headset_SetHeadsetPreset()

void Headset_SetHeadsetPreset ( int preset)

Selects from a preset headset configuration.

Sets the headset preset. Each preset contains default values. There are presets for Plantronics USB headset and the ASTi Radius.

This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
presetvalue of type HeadsetPreset_t

◆ Headset_SetMicrophoneMode()

void Headset_SetMicrophoneMode ( int mode)

Sets the microphone mode.

Sets the microphone mode to either Off, Vox, PTT, or Hot. In vox mode, voice level determines transmission activity (based on vox threshold). In PTT mode, transmission is only made when PTT is pressed. In hot mode, voice transmission is always active.

modevalue of type MicMode_t

◆ Headset_SetMicVolume()

void Headset_SetMicVolume ( float volume)

Sets the microphone volume.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Headset_SetSidetoneVolume()

void Headset_SetSidetoneVolume ( float volume)

Sets the sidetone volume.

Sets the current sidetone volume to the specified value. Sidetone is the audio feedback of the client's voice to their own earphone. Sidetone is provided by the USB headset or sound card hardware, therefore may not be available.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Headset_SetVoxThreshold()

void Headset_SetVoxThreshold ( float threshold)

Sets the vox threshold.

Sets the current Vox threshold to the specified value. Higher thresholds require greater voice volume to trigger transmission.

thresholdvalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Headset_SidetoneVolume()

float Headset_SidetoneVolume ( )

Gets the sidetone volume.

Sidetone is the audio feedback of the client's voice to their own earphone. Sidetone is provided by the USB headset or sound card hardware, therefore may not be available.

volume in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Headset_Version()

int Headset_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Headset updates.

This counter increments when headset information is updated.

count of headset updates

◆ Headset_VoxThreshold()

float Headset_VoxThreshold ( )

Gets the vox threshold.

Threshold for Vox system. Higher thresholds require greater voice volume to trigger transmission.

threshold in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Jammer_IsEnabled()

int Jammer_IsEnabled ( int jammer_index)

Gets the enabled state for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
1 for enabled, 0 otherwise
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_SetEnable

◆ Jammer_IsReceiving()

int Jammer_IsReceiving ( int jammer_index)

Gets the receivie state for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
1 for receiving, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Jammer_IsSpoofing()

int Jammer_IsSpoofing ( int jammer_index)

Gets the spoofing state for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
1 for spoofing, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Jammer_IsTransmitting()

int Jammer_IsTransmitting ( int jammer_index)

Gets the transmit state for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
1 for transmitting, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Jammer_ListCount()

int Jammer_ListCount ( )

Gets the current number of jammers.

number of jammers

◆ Jammer_NetFrequency()

unsigned long long Jammer_NetFrequency ( int jammer_index,
int net_index )

Gets the frequency of a net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
frequency of net, or zero
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_NetListCount

◆ Jammer_NetFrequencyActive()

unsigned long long Jammer_NetFrequencyActive ( int jammer_index)

Gets the frequency of currently selected net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
receive frequency of net, or 0 if jammer_index is invalid
See also

◆ Jammer_NetID()

const char * Jammer_NetID ( int jammer_index,
int net_index )

Gets the unique ID of a net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_NetListCount

◆ Jammer_NetIDActive()

const char * Jammer_NetIDActive ( int jammer_index)

Gets the unique ID of currently selected net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also

◆ Jammer_NetListCount()

int Jammer_NetListCount ( int jammer_index)

Gets the number of nets for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
number of nets available
See also

◆ Jammer_NetName()

const char * Jammer_NetName ( int jammer_index,
int net_index )

Gets the name of a net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_NetListCount

◆ Jammer_NetWaveform()

const char * Jammer_NetWaveform ( int jammer_index,
int net_index )

Gets the waveform of a net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
waveform of net, or ""
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_NetListCount

◆ Jammer_NetWaveformActive()

const char * Jammer_NetWaveformActive ( int jammer_index)

Get the waveform (mode) of the currently selected net for a jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
waveform name
See also

◆ Jammer_RecordReplayDurationMs()

int Jammer_RecordReplayDurationMs ( int jammer_index)

Get the duration of the last recording in milliseconds.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
duration of last recording in milliseconds
See also

◆ Jammer_RecordReplayProgress()

int Jammer_RecordReplayProgress ( int jammer_index)

Get the progress of an active recording or replaying.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
Progress as a percentage of the maximum recording duration
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_StartRecording

◆ Jammer_RecordReplayState()

int Jammer_RecordReplayState ( int jammer_index)

Get the current state of the jammer's record/replay functions.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
State of type JammerRecordReplayState_t
See also

◆ Jammer_SetEnable()

void Jammer_SetEnable ( int jammer_index,
int enable )

Enable/disable a jammer to begin/end transmission.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
enable0 to disable, otherwise enable
See also

◆ Jammer_SetNetID()

void Jammer_SetNetID ( int jammer_index,
const char * net_id )

Sets the net for a jammer by unique ID.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_NetID

◆ Jammer_StartRecording()

void Jammer_StartRecording ( int jammer_index,
int duration_secs )

Start recording audio received by the jammer.

Recording will start when first audio is received and continue

until stopped or recording length reaches specified duration

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
duration_secsMaximum duration of recording in range [1, 30]
See also

◆ Jammer_StartReplaying()

void Jammer_StartReplaying ( int jammer_index,
int loop )

Start transmitting previously recorded audio out the jammer.

Replay will start immediately and conclude when all audio is played

(if loop == 0) or play continuously until stopped on a loop

(if loop > 0)

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
loop1 to enable looping playback, 0 to play once
See also

◆ Jammer_StopRecording()

void Jammer_StopRecording ( int jammer_index)

Stop recording audio received by the jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_StartRecording

◆ Jammer_StopReplaying()

void Jammer_StopReplaying ( int jammer_index)

Stop transmitting previously recorded audio out the jammer.

jammer_indexindex of jammer in range [0, jammer_count-1]
See also
Jammer_ListCount, Jammer_StartReplaying

◆ Jammer_Version()

int Jammer_Version ( )

Gets the version count for jammer updates.

This counter increments when any jammer information is updated.

count of jammer updates

◆ Joystick_Active()

int Joystick_Active ( )

Gets the active joystick index.

index of the active joystick for primary PTT, -1 if not set

◆ Joystick_Active_Multi()

int Joystick_Active_Multi ( int ptt)

Gets the active joystick index for a specified PTT.

pttindex of PTT to query (0 for primary, 1 for secondary)
index of the active joystick for the specificed PTT, -1 if not set

◆ Joystick_ButtonActive()

int Joystick_ButtonActive ( )

Gets the active joystick button index.

index of the active joystick button, -1 if not set

◆ Joystick_ButtonActive_Multi()

int Joystick_ButtonActive_Multi ( int ptt)

Gets the active joystick button index.

pttindex of PTT to query (0 for primary, 1 for secondary)
index of the active joystick button for the specified PTT, -1 if not set

◆ Joystick_ButtonCount()

int Joystick_ButtonCount ( int list_index)

Gets the number of buttons for a specified joystick.

list_indexindex of joystick in the range [0, number of joysticks - 1]
number of buttons for joystick, or -1 on error
See also

◆ Joystick_ListCount()

int Joystick_ListCount ( )

Gets the current number of detected joysticks.

number of joysticks

◆ Joystick_Name()

const char * Joystick_Name ( int list_index)

Gets the name of a specified joystick.

list_indexindex of joystick in the range [0, number of joysticks - 1]
name of Joystick, or empty string
See also

◆ Joystick_Pressed()

int Joystick_Pressed ( )

Gets the current joystick pressed state.

whether active joystick button is pressed

◆ Joystick_Pressed_Multi()

int Joystick_Pressed_Multi ( int ptt)

Gets the current joystick pressed state.

pttindex of PTT to query (0 for primary, 1 for secondary)
whether active joystick button is pressed

◆ Joystick_SetButton()

void Joystick_SetButton ( int js,
int btn )

Selects the active joystick button.

Sets the active joystick button that will be monitored for button presses used for push-to-talk (PTT) functionality.

jsindex of joystick
btnindex of button
See also

◆ Joystick_SetButton_Multi()

void Joystick_SetButton_Multi ( int ptt,
int js,
int btn )

Selects the active joystick button.

Sets the active joystick button that will be monitored for button presses used for push-to-talk (PTT) functionality.

pttindex of PTT to query (0 for primary, 1 for secondary)
jsindex of joystick
btnindex of button
See also

◆ License_Release()

void License_Release ( int license_id)

Release a license.

Check status of license request (pending, granted, released or

lost) with License_Status.

license_idIdentifier for license
See also

◆ License_Request()

int License_Request ( const char * type)

Request a new license of specified type.

Check status of license request (pending, granted, released or

lost) with License_Status.

This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
typeType of license
Identifier for license request, -1 on error
See also

◆ License_Status()

int License_Status ( int license_id)

Get status of license request.

license_idIdentifier for license
License status of type LicenseStatus_t
See also

◆ Log_Write()

void Log_Write ( const char * function,
const char * msg )

Writes a message to the Voisus client log.

The message will be logged as "<function> : <msg>". See the Voisus log for examples.

functionthe function or scope that wrote the message
msgthe log message
See also

◆ Net_Name()

const char * Net_Name ( const char * net_id)

Gets the name of a net using the unique ID.

net_idunique ID of a net, or empty string

◆ Network_ClientIP()

const char * Network_ClientIP ( )

Gets the Client address used to connect to the Server.

IPv4 address of Client connection

◆ Network_ClientName()

const char * Network_ClientName ( )

Gets the user-settable client name.

The client name is published on the Server and to other clients.

client name, or empty string

◆ Network_CloudActive()

const char * Network_CloudActive ( )

Gets the currently connected Cloud.

Unique name of the cloud

◆ Network_CloudSet()

const char * Network_CloudSet ( )

Gets the last set Cloud to connect to.

Unique name of the cloud

◆ Network_ConnectionMode()

int Network_ConnectionMode ( )

Get the current connection mode (e.g. Cloud)

mode of type ConnectionMode_t

◆ Network_ConnectionStatus()

int Network_ConnectionStatus ( )

Gets the connection status of client.

This function returns whether the client is connected or disconnected from the Server. For more detailed connection information, see Network_ConnectState.

status of type ConnectionStatus_t
See also

◆ Network_ConnectState()

int Network_ConnectState ( )

Gets the detailed connection state of the client.

This function returns detailed information about the connection including getting/setting Role information.

detailed connection state of type ConnectState_t

◆ Network_OperatorId()

const char * Network_OperatorId ( )

Gets the unique ID of the Operator.

This is the 32-character unique identifier of the Operator instance on the server that the client is currently connected to.

operator ID if connected, empty string otherwise

◆ Network_SetClientName()

void Network_SetClientName ( const char * name)

Sets the client name.

The client name is published on the Server and to other clients.

nameUser-settable name for the client.

◆ Network_TargetIP()

const char * Network_TargetIP ( )

Gets the Voisus Server address.

string containing IPv4 address of Voisus Server for this client. Connection status can be determined through Network API functions.
See also
Network_ConnectState, Network_ConnectionStatus

◆ Network_Version()

int Network_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Network updates.

This counter increments when network information is updated.

count of network updates

◆ Operator_GetField()

const char * Operator_GetField ( const char * uuid,
const char * field_name )

Get a field for an Operator.

Supported field names are


Role name


Client name


Hostname of server that client is connected to


"true" if connected, "false" otherwise


"true" if currently on a call (busy), "false" otherwise


Version of client


Version of server

For more information, see documentation on Endpoints/Operators.

uuid32-character unique ID of Operator
field_namename of field
field value, or empty string if field not found
See also
Operator_IDFirst, Operator_IDNext

◆ Operator_GetLock()

void Operator_GetLock ( )

Gets the lock on all Operator data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Operator_IDFirst()

const char * Operator_IDFirst ( )

Get the first Operator.

32-character unique ID of operator, or empty string if none

◆ Operator_IDNext()

const char * Operator_IDNext ( )

Get the next Operator.

32-character unique ID of Operator, or empty string if none
See also

◆ Operator_ListCount()

int Operator_ListCount ( )

Gets the current number of Operators.

number of Operators

◆ Operator_ReleaseLock()

void Operator_ReleaseLock ( )

Releases the lock on all Operator data.

This method is deprecated in VRCC 5.13.0 and above
See also

◆ Operator_Version()

int Operator_Version ( )

Gets the version count for Operators.

This counter increments when any Operator information is updated, including operators added/removed or fields changed

count of Operator updates

◆ Phone_Balance()

int Phone_Balance ( )

Get the audio balance (left/right/center) for a phone.

value of type Balance_t

◆ Phone_CallActive()

const char * Phone_CallActive ( )

Get the active call ID.

32-character unique ID for call

◆ Phone_IsTransmitting()

int Phone_IsTransmitting ( )

Get the transmitting state for a phone.

1 if transmitting, 0 otherwise

◆ Phone_ListCount()

int Phone_ListCount ( )

Get the count phones for this endpoint.

For more information, see documentation on Phones.

1 if phone present, 0 otherwise

◆ Phone_Muted()

int Phone_Muted ( )

Gets the mute state for a phone.

mute value 1 for muted, 0 for not muted

◆ Phone_SetBalance()

void Phone_SetBalance ( int balance)

Sets the audio balance for a phone (left/right/center)

balancevalue of type Balance_t

◆ Phone_SetCall()

void Phone_SetCall ( const char * call_id)

Set the active call for phone.

For more information, see documentation on Phones.

call_id32-character unique ID of call, or empty string to clear
See also

◆ Phone_SetMuted()

void Phone_SetMuted ( int mute)

Sets the mute state for a phone.

mutevalue 1 for muted, 0 for not muted

◆ Phone_SetVolume()

void Phone_SetVolume ( float volume)

Sets the receive volume for a phone.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Phone_Version()

int Phone_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Phone updates.

This counter increments when phone information is updated.

count of phone updates

◆ Phone_Volume()

float Phone_Volume ( )

Get the receive volume for a phone.

volume in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Playsound_Id()

const char * Playsound_Id ( int playsound_index)

Gets the unique ID of a specified playsound.

playsound_indexindex of playsound in the range [0, count of playsounds - 1]
32-character unique identifier of playsound, or empty string
See also

◆ Playsound_ListCount()

int Playsound_ListCount ( void )

Gets the current number of Client Playsounds.

number of playsounds

◆ Playsound_Name()

const char * Playsound_Name ( const char * playsound_id)

Gets the name of a specified playsound.

playsound_id32-character unique ID of playsound
name of Playsound, or empty string
See also

◆ Playsound_Version()

int Playsound_Version ( void )

Gets the version count of Playsound updates.

This counter increments when playsound information is updated.

count of playsound updates

◆ PTT_GetPressed()

int PTT_GetPressed ( )

Gets the current pressed state of the primary software push-to-talk (PTT) state.

The value reflects the state of the software PTT (not hardware).

1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also
PTT_HWGetPressed, PTT_GetPressed_Multi

◆ PTT_GetPressed_Multi()

int PTT_GetPressed_Multi ( int ptt)

Gets the current pressed state of a specified software push-to-talk (PTT)

The value reflects the state of a software PTT (not hardware).

pttindex of PTT to query
1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ PTT_HWGetPressed()

int PTT_HWGetPressed ( )

Gets the current hardware push-to-talk (PTT) state.

This value only reflects the state of the primary hardware PTT (not software) including joysticks.

1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also
PTT_GetPressed, Joystick_Pressed, PTT_HWGetPressed_Multi

◆ PTT_HWGetPressed_Multi()

int PTT_HWGetPressed_Multi ( int ptt)

Gets the current hardware push-to-talk (PTT) state (multiple)

This value only reflects the state of the specified hardware PTT (not software) including joysticks. Pass -1 for ANY PTT (values are OR'd).

pttindex of hardware PTT to query
1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also
PTT_GetPressed, Joystick_Pressed

◆ PTT_SetPressed()

void PTT_SetPressed ( int pressed)

Sets the software push-to-talk (PTT) state for primary PTT.

When the ptt parameter is non-zero, audio will be transmitted on any radios that have their transmit state enabled.

pressed1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_SetTransmitEnabled, Radio_IsTransmitEnabled, Radio_PTT, PTT_SetPressed_Multi

◆ PTT_SetPressed_Multi()

void PTT_SetPressed_Multi ( int ptt,
int pressed )

Sets the software push-to-talk (PTT) state for a given PTT.

When the pressed parameter is non-zero, audio will be transmitted on any radios that have their transmit state enabled and are designated for this PTT.

pttindex of PTT to update
pressed1 for pressed, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_SetTransmitEnabled, Radio_IsTransmitEnabled, Radio_PTT

◆ PTT_Version()

int PTT_Version ( )

Gets the version count of PTT updates.

This counter increments when PTT information is updated.

count of PTT updates

◆ RadCtrl_Error()

const char * RadCtrl_Error ( )

Get error string for last radio control "set" operation.

string containing error message, or empty string if successful

◆ RadCtrl_ErrorVersion()

int RadCtrl_ErrorVersion ( )

Gets the version count of Radio Control responses to new settings.

This counter increments once for each RadCtrl_Set* API call.

If the response is an error, the error message can be fetched using


count of responses to radio control setting changes
See also
RadCtrl_Error, RadCtrl_SetValueInt, RadCtrl_SetValueStr

◆ RadCtrl_GetOptionsStr()

const char * RadCtrl_GetOptionsStr ( const char * name,
const char * setting )

Get list of options for a live radio string setting.

namename of live radio to control
settingname of setting for retrieve options list for
string containing comma-separated list of valid options for setting, or empty string if not found
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name, RadCtrl_GetValueStr

◆ RadCtrl_GetValueFloat()

float RadCtrl_GetValueFloat ( const char * name,
const char * setting )

Get live radio setting float value by name.

Supported field names are


Receive Power


Squelch Level

namename of live radio to control
settingname of value to retrieve
int value of the specified setting, or -1 if not found
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ RadCtrl_GetValueInt()

int RadCtrl_GetValueInt ( const char * name,
const char * setting )

Get live radio setting int value by name.

Supported field names are


Frequency (in Hz)


Transmit Frequency (in Hz)


Current preset (0-9), only valid if 'load_preset' is set to "TRUE"

namename of live radio to control
settingname of value to retrieve
int value of the specified setting, or -1 if not found
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ RadCtrl_GetValueStr()

const char * RadCtrl_GetValueStr ( const char * name,
const char * setting )

Get live radio setting string value by name.

Supported field names are


Modulation mode (e.g. AM, FM)


Transmit modulation mode (e.g. AM, FM)


Power level (e.g. LOW, MED, HIGH)


Are presets loadable? (e.g. TRUE, FALSE), must be TRUE in order to set any presets, or FALSE to modify any individual settings

namename of live radio to control
settingname of value to retrieve
string value of the specified setting, or empty string if not found
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name, RadCtrl_GetOptionsStr

◆ RadCtrl_ListCount()

int RadCtrl_ListCount ( )

Gets the number of radios that can be controlled.

number of controllable live radios

◆ RadCtrl_Name()

const char * RadCtrl_Name ( int index)

Gets the name of a live radio to control.

name of radio, or empty string if not found

◆ RadCtrl_Poll()

void RadCtrl_Poll ( const char * name)

Poll server for updated radio state information.

namename of live radio to control
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ RadCtrl_SetValueFloat()

void RadCtrl_SetValueFloat ( const char * name,
const char * setting,
float value )

Change a float setting of a live radio.

Supported field names are


Receive Power


Squelch Level

namename of live radio to control
settingname of setting to modify
valuenew value for setting
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ RadCtrl_SetValueInt()

void RadCtrl_SetValueInt ( const char * name,
const char * setting,
int value )

Change an integer setting of a live radio.

Supported field names are


Frequency (in Hz)


Transmit Frequency (in Hz)


Preset to load (0-9), can only load presets if 'load_preset' option is set to "TRUE"

namename of live radio to control
settingname of setting to modify
valuenew value for setting
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ RadCtrl_SetValueStr()

void RadCtrl_SetValueStr ( const char * name,
const char * setting,
const char * value )

Change a string setting of a live radio.

Supported field names are


Modulation mode (e.g. AM, FM)


Transmit modulation mode (e.g. AM, FM)


Power level (e.g. LOW, MED, HIGH)


Enable preset mode? (e.g. TRUE, FALSE), set to TRUE before loading any presets or to FALSE before modifying any individual settings

namename of live radio to control
settingname of setting to modify
valuenew value for setting
See also
RadCtrl_ListCount, RadCtrl_Name

◆ Radio_AppendScanPlanNet()

void Radio_AppendScanPlanNet ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
const char * net_id )

Appends a net to a scan plan net list.

Duplicate nets are not permitted

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
net_idunique ID of a net
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_AudioLevel()

float Radio_AudioLevel ( int radio_index)

Gets the audio level of a radio.

Audio level calculation must be enabled first. Audio level is

calculated 5 times per second as an RMS value of received

radio audio and is not affected by volume adjustments.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
Audio level value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns 0.0 if disabled.
See also
Radio_AudioLevelEnable, Radio_AudioLevelEnabled

◆ Radio_AudioLevelEnabled()

int Radio_AudioLevelEnabled ( int radio_index)

Gets whether audio level calculation is enabled for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 if calculation is enabled, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_Balance()

int Radio_Balance ( int radio_index)

Gets the audio balance for a radio (left, right, center)

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
balance of type Balance_t

◆ Radio_BalanceDevice()

int Radio_BalanceDevice ( int radio_index,
int device_index )

Gets the audio balance for a radio (left, right, center)

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
device_indexindex of radio in range [0, device_count-1]
balance of type Balance_t

◆ Radio_BalanceLocked()

int Radio_BalanceLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether balance selection is locked for a radio.

When selection is locked, the balance cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_BalanceLockedDevice()

int Radio_BalanceLockedDevice ( int radio_index,
int device_index )

Gets whether balance selection is locked for a radio.

When selection is locked, the balance cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
device_indexindex of radio in range [0, device_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_CryptoEnabled()

int Radio_CryptoEnabled ( int radio_index)

Gets whether radio has crypto mode enabled.

Enabled means cipher text mode. Disabled means plain text mode.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 if cipher text is enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Radio_Id()

const char * Radio_Id ( int radio_index)

Gets the ID of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
ID of radio, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_IsLockedOut()

int Radio_IsLockedOut ( int radio_index)

Gets the lockout state for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked-out, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_IsNetLocked()

int Radio_IsNetLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether net selection is locked for a radio.

When net selection is locked, the net cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_IsReceiveEnabled()

int Radio_IsReceiveEnabled ( int radio_index)

Gets the receive enable for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for enabled, 0 for disabled
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_SetReceiveEnabled

◆ Radio_IsReceiving()

int Radio_IsReceiving ( int radio_index)

Gets the receive state for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for receiving, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_IsRXModeLocked()

int Radio_IsRXModeLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether the RX enable is locked for a radio.

When the RX enable is locked, the receive enable cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_IsTXModeLocked

◆ Radio_IsShared()

int Radio_IsShared ( int radio_index)

Gets whether a radio is shared by two or more operators. Shared radios are accessed through Entity States (Vehicles).

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for shared, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_IsTransmitEnabled()

int Radio_IsTransmitEnabled ( int radio_index)

Gets the transmit enable for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for enabled, 0 for disabled
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_SetTransmitEnabled

◆ Radio_IsTransmitting()

int Radio_IsTransmitting ( int radio_index)

Gets the transmit state for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for transmitting, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_IsTXModeLocked()

int Radio_IsTXModeLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether the TX enable is locked for a radio.

When the TX enable is locked, the transmit enable cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_IsRXModeLocked

◆ Radio_ListCount()

int Radio_ListCount ( )

Gets the current number of radios.

number of radios

◆ Radio_Name()

const char * Radio_Name ( int radio_index)

Gets the name of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
name of radio, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_NetCryptoEnabled()

int Radio_NetCryptoEnabled ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the crypto enabled of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
0 if disabled, 1 if enabled
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetCryptoEnabledActive()

int Radio_NetCryptoEnabledActive ( int radio_index)

Get the crypto enable state for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
whether crypto is enabled for currently tuned net
See also

◆ Radio_NetCryptoKey()

int Radio_NetCryptoKey ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the crypto key of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
crypto key, 0 if disabled
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetCryptoKeyActive()

int Radio_NetCryptoKeyActive ( int radio_index)

Get the crypto key for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
whether crypto key currently tuned net, 0 if disabled
See also

◆ Radio_NetCryptoSystem()

int Radio_NetCryptoSystem ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the crypto system of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
crypto system, 0 if disabled
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetCryptoSystemActive()

int Radio_NetCryptoSystemActive ( int radio_index)

Get the crypto system for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
whether crypto system currently tuned net, 0 if disabled
See also

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopLockoutActive()

int Radio_NetFreqHopLockoutActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the Lockout Set ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
Lockout Set ID for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopNetId()

int Radio_NetFreqHopNetId ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the Net ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)

This method is deprecated in VRCC 7.15.0 and above

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
net_id for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount, Radio_NetWaveform

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopNetIdActive()

int Radio_NetFreqHopNetIdActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the Net ID (for Frequency Hop nets only)

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount, Radio_NetWaveform

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopTODActive()

int Radio_NetFreqHopTODActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the Time of Day (for Frequency Hop nets only)

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
TOD for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopTransecKeyActive()

int Radio_NetFreqHopTransecKeyActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the Transec Key (for Frequency Hop nets only)

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
Transec Key for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetFreqHopWODActive()

int Radio_NetFreqHopWODActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the Word of Day (for Frequency Hop nets only)

Freqhop nets will have a Radio_NetWaveform value of "HAVEQUICK" or "SINCGARS"

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
WOD for freqhop-enabled net, 0 otherwise
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetFrequency()

unsigned long long Radio_NetFrequency ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the frequency of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
unsigned long long for frequency or 0 if none
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetID()

const char * Radio_NetID ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the unique ID of a net for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetIDActive()

const char * Radio_NetIDActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the unique ID of currently selected net for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_NetListCount()

int Radio_NetListCount ( int radio_index)

Gets the number of nets for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
number of nets available
See also

◆ Radio_NetName()

const char * Radio_NetName ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the name of a net by index for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetNameActive()

const char * Radio_NetNameActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the name of currently selected net for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_NetRxFrequencyActive()

unsigned long long Radio_NetRxFrequencyActive ( int radio_index)

Get the receive frequency for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
receive frequency of net, or 0 if radio_index is invalid
See also

◆ Radio_NetSatcomChannel()

int Radio_NetSatcomChannel ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the SATCOM channel of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
SATCOM channel number
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetTuningMethod()

int Radio_NetTuningMethod ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the tuning method of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
net tuning method (AM/FM = 1, Intercom = 2, HAVEQUICK = 4, SINCGARS = 5)
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetTxFrequencyActive()

unsigned long long Radio_NetTxFrequencyActive ( int radio_index)

Get the transmit frequency for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
transmit frequency of net, or 0 if radio_index is invalid
See also

◆ Radio_NetWaveform()

const char * Radio_NetWaveform ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Gets the waveform of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
waveform name
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_NetWaveformActive()

const char * Radio_NetWaveformActive ( int radio_index)

Get the waveform (mode) for the currently tuned net of a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
waveform name
See also

◆ Radio_Playsound()

const char * Radio_Playsound ( int radio_index)

Gets the unique ID of sound mixed into mic audio for this radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
32-character unique ID of the background playsound, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_SetPlaysound, Playsound_Id

◆ Radio_PlaysoundLocked()

int Radio_PlaysoundLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether background playsound selection is locked for a radio.

When selection is locked, the playsound cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_PTT()

int Radio_PTT ( int radio_index)

Gets the PTT identifier for the radio.

Return value of 0 indicates primary PTT, 1 is secondary, etc.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
ptt identifier

◆ Radio_RadBridgeId()

const char * Radio_RadBridgeId ( int radio_index)

Gets the Radio Bridge Id of a radio interfacing audio with live radios.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
32-character unique ID of radio bridge, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_RadCtrlId()

const char * Radio_RadCtrlId ( int radio_index)

Gets the Radio Control Id of a radio configured to control live radios.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
32-character unique ID of radio control, or empty string
See also

◆ Radio_RadioEffects()

const char * Radio_RadioEffects ( int radio_index)

Gets the radio effects set for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
32-character unique ID of radio effects, or empty string

◆ Radio_RadioEffectsLocked()

int Radio_RadioEffectsLocked ( int radio_index)

Gets whether radio effects selection is locked for a radio.

When selection is locked, the radio effects cannot be changed by the client. This configuration is set in the definition of a Role on the Voisus Server.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for locked, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_RemoveScanPlanNet()

void Radio_RemoveScanPlanNet ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int net_index )

Removes a net from a scan plan net list.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
net_indexposition of net to remove from scan plan net list
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount

◆ Radio_ScanActive()

int Radio_ScanActive ( int radio_index)

Gets whether scanner is actively scanning for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 when scanning, 0 when idle
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled

◆ Radio_ScanEnabled()

int Radio_ScanEnabled ( int radio_index)

Gets whether scanner is enabled for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 when enabled, 0 when disabled
See also

◆ Radio_ScanHangTime()

float Radio_ScanHangTime ( int radio_index)

Gets the hang time for a scanner.

The hang time is the number of seconds that a scanner will listen

on a channel after receiving ends before returning to scanning.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
hold time in seconds
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_SetScanHangTime

◆ Radio_ScanHoldTime()

float Radio_ScanHoldTime ( int radio_index)

Gets the hold time for a scanner.

The hold time is the maximum number of seconds that a scanner will listen

on a channel before returning to scanning, even if actively receiving.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
hold time in seconds (0 means disabled)
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_SetScanHoldTime

◆ Radio_ScanNetListMax()

int Radio_ScanNetListMax ( int radio_index)

Gets the maximum number of nets for a scan list in a plan.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
maximum number of nets for scan lists (0 means unlimited)
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanNext()

void Radio_ScanNext ( int radio_index)

Changes to next net in scan list (manual scanning)

The radio scanner must be enabled and nets defined in active scan plan.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled, Radio_SetScanEnable

◆ Radio_ScanPlanActive()

int Radio_ScanPlanActive ( int radio_index)

Gets the index of the scan plan in use for a scanner.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
scan plan index, -1 if no active scan plan
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanInvalidNets()

int Radio_ScanPlanInvalidNets ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Gets whether there are invalid nets in the scan plan.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
1 if invalid nets present in scan plan, 0 otherwise

◆ Radio_ScanPlanListCount()

int Radio_ScanPlanListCount ( int radio_index)

Gets the count of scan plans for a scanner.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
number of scan plans
See also

◆ Radio_ScanPlanNetID()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanNetID ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int net_index )

Gets the unique ID of a net in a scan plan net list.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount()

int Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Gets the count of nets in a scan plan for a scanner.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
number of nets in scan list
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanNetName()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanNetName ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int net_index )

Gets the name of a net in a scan plan net list.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanNetListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetID()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetID ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int rx_index )

Gets the unique ID of a priority receive net for a scanner.

The priority receive net is the channel that the radio will intersperse in

the scan list during active scanning between scan list nets.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
rx_indexindex of priority receive net in range [0, priority_rx_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount()

int Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Gets the count of priority receive nets in a scan plan for a scanner.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
number of priority receive nets in scan plan
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetName()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetName ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int rx_index )

Gets the name of a priority receive net for a scanner.

The priority receive net is the channel that the radio will intersperse in

the scan list during active scanning between scan list nets.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
rx_indexindex of priority receive net in range [0, priority_rx_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetID()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetID ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Gets the unique ID of the priority transmit net for a scanner.

The priority transmit net is the channel that the radio will transmit on if

PTT is pressed during active scanning.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
32-character unique identifier of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetName()

const char * Radio_ScanPlanPriorityTxNetName ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Gets the name of the priority transmit net for a scanner.

The priority transmit net is the channel that the radio will transmit on if

PTT is pressed during active scanning.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
name of net, or empty string
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount

◆ Radio_ScanPrev()

void Radio_ScanPrev ( int radio_index)

Changes to previous net in scan list (manual scanning)

The radio scanner must be enabled and nets defined in active scan plan.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled, Radio_SetScanEnable

◆ Radio_SetAudioLevelEnable()

void Radio_SetAudioLevelEnable ( int radio_index,
int enable )

Enables or disables audio level calculation for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
enable1 for enable, 0 for disable
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_AudioLevelEnabled

◆ Radio_SetBalance()

void Radio_SetBalance ( int radio_index,
int balance )

Sets the audio balance for a radio (primary playback device)

Audio balance can be left, right or center.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
balancevalue of type Balance_t
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_Balance, Radio_SetBalanceDevice

◆ Radio_SetBalanceDevice()

void Radio_SetBalanceDevice ( int radio_index,
int balance,
int device )

Sets the audio balance for a radio for specified playback device.

Audio balance can be left, right or center.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
balancevalue of type Balance_t
deviceplayback device number
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_Balance

◆ Radio_SetCryptoEnable()

void Radio_SetCryptoEnable ( int radio_index,
int enable )

Sets the crypto enable state for a radio.

Enables or disables cipher text transmission for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
enable1 for enable, 0 for disable
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_CryptoEnabled

◆ Radio_SetNet()

void Radio_SetNet ( int radio_index,
int net_index )

Sets the net for a radio by index.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_indexindex of net in range [0, net_count-1], or negative value to power off radio
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_SetNetCrypto()

void Radio_SetNetCrypto ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id,
int system,
int key )

Override the crypto settings for a net assigned to a particular radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
systemCrypto system
keyCrypto key
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_SetNetFreqHopParams()

void Radio_SetNetFreqHopParams ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id,
int fh_netid,
int fh_wod,
int fh_lckt,
int fh_tod,
int fh_tsec )

Override the frequency hop settings for a net assigned to a particular radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
fh_netidNet ID
fh_wodWord of Day
fh_lcktLockout Set ID
fh_todTime of Day
fh_tsecTransec Key
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_SetNetID()

void Radio_SetNetID ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id )

Sets the net for a radio by unique ID.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net, or empty string to power off radio
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_SetNetRxFrequency()

void Radio_SetNetRxFrequency ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id,
unsigned long long freq )

Override the receive frequency for a net assigned to a particular radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
freqreceive frequency (in Hz)
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_SetNetTxFrequency()

void Radio_SetNetTxFrequency ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id,
unsigned long long freq )

Override the transmit frequency for a net assigned to a particular radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
freqtransmit frequency (in Hz)
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetID

◆ Radio_SetNetWaveform()

void Radio_SetNetWaveform ( int radio_index,
const char * net_id,
const char * mode )

Sets the waveform of the radio's net.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
net_id32-character unique identifier for net
modemode of the waveform to set
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_NetListCount

◆ Radio_SetPlaysound()

void Radio_SetPlaysound ( int radio_index,
const char * playsound_id )

Enables or disables background playsound mixed into mic audio for this radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
playsound_id32-character unique ID of playsound to enable, or empty string to disable
See also
Radio_ListCount, Playsound_Id

◆ Radio_SetPTT()

void Radio_SetPTT ( int radio_index,
int ptt_index )

Sets the PTT to use for a radio.

Each radio is assigned a PTT that should activate it when pressed.

Use this function to override the default PTT as specified in the Role.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
ptt_indexwhich PTT to use
See also
Radio_PTT, PTT_SetPressed_Multi

◆ Radio_SetRadioEffects()

void Radio_SetRadioEffects ( int radio_index,
const char * effects_id )

Sets the radio effects for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
effects_idradio effects id to set, empty string to unset
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_RadioEffects, RadioEffects_IDFirst, RadioEffects_IDNext

◆ Radio_SetReceiveEnabled()

void Radio_SetReceiveEnabled ( int radio_index,
int enable )

Sets the receive enable for a radio.

Enables or disables receiving of audio for the given radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
enable1 for enable, 0 for disable
See also

◆ Radio_SetScanEnable()

void Radio_SetScanEnable ( int radio_index,
int enable )

Enables or disables a radio scanner.

The radio scanner must be enabled to perform scanning functions.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
enable1 to enable, 0 to disable
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled

◆ Radio_SetScanHangTime()

void Radio_SetScanHangTime ( int radio_index,
float seconds )

Sets the hang time for a scanner.

The hang time is the number of seconds that a scanner will listen

on a channel after receiving ends before returning to scanning.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
secondsnumber of seconds (minimum value is 1 second)
See also

◆ Radio_SetScanHoldTime()

void Radio_SetScanHoldTime ( int radio_index,
float seconds )

Sets the hold time for a scanner.

The hold time is the maximum number of seconds that a scanner will listen

on a channel before returning to scanning, even if actively receiving.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
secondsnumber of seconds (0 to disable)
See also

◆ Radio_SetScanPlanActive()

void Radio_SetScanPlanActive ( int radio_index,
int plan_index )

Sets the active scan plan for a scanner.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanActive

◆ Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityRx()

void Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityRx ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
int rx_index,
const char * net_id )

Sets a priority receive net for a scanner.

The priority receive net is the channel that the radio will intersperse in

the scan list during active scanning between scan list nets.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
rx_indexindex of priority receive net in range [0, priority_rx_count-1]
net_idunique ID of a net
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanPriorityRxNetListCount, Radio_ScanPlanNetID

◆ Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityTx()

void Radio_SetScanPlanPriorityTx ( int radio_index,
int plan_index,
const char * net_id )

Sets the priority transmit net for a scanner.

The priority transmit net is the channel that the radio will transmit on if

PTT is pressed during active scanning.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
plan_indexindex of scan plan in range [0, plan_count-1]
net_idunique ID of a net
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanPlanListCount, Radio_ScanPlanNetID

◆ Radio_SetSquelchLevel()

void Radio_SetSquelchLevel ( int radio_index,
float squelch_level )

Sets the squelch level for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
squelch_levelvalue in range [0.0, 1.0]
See also

◆ Radio_SetTransmitEnabled()

void Radio_SetTransmitEnabled ( int radio_index,
int enable )

Sets the transmit enable for a radio.

Enables or disables transmission of audio on the selected radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
enable1 for enable, 0 for disable
See also

◆ Radio_SetVolume()

void Radio_SetVolume ( int radio_index,
float volume )

Sets the receive volume for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Radio_SetVolumeStereo()

void Radio_SetVolumeStereo ( int radio_index,
float volume_left,
float volume_right )

Sets the stereo receive volumes for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
volume_leftvalue in range [0.0, 100.0]
volume_rightvalue in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Radio_Simulcast()

int Radio_Simulcast ( int radio_index)

Gets whether the radio is part of the simulcast group.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
1 for included in simulcast, 0 otherwise
See also

◆ Radio_SquelchLevel()

float Radio_SquelchLevel ( int radio_index)

Gets the squelch level of the radio.

The squelch level determines the sound threshold required before a radio is marked as receiving.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
Squelch level value between 0.0 and 1.0

◆ Radio_StartScan()

void Radio_StartScan ( int radio_index)

Starts scanning.

The radio scanner must be enabled.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled, Radio_SetScanEnable

◆ Radio_StopScan()

void Radio_StopScan ( int radio_index)

Stops scanning and return to manual scanning mode.

The radio scanner must be enabled.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
See also
Radio_ListCount, Radio_ScanEnabled, Radio_SetScanEnable

◆ Radio_Type()

const char * Radio_Type ( int radio_index)

Gets the type of radio (e.g. URC-200)

Used when displaying a radio that is meant to simulate a specific hardware radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
name of radio type (empty string indicates generic radio)

◆ Radio_Version()

int Radio_Version ( )

Gets the version count for radio updates.

This counter increments when any radio information is updated.

count of radio updates

◆ Radio_Volume()

float Radio_Volume ( int radio_index)

Gets the receive volume for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
volume in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Radio_VolumeStereoLeft()

float Radio_VolumeStereoLeft ( int radio_index)

Gets the stereo (left ear) receive volume for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
volume in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ Radio_VolumeStereoRight()

float Radio_VolumeStereoRight ( int radio_index)

Gets the stereo (right ear) receive volume for a radio.

radio_indexindex of radio in range [0, radio_count-1]
volume in range [0.0, 100.0]
See also

◆ RadioEffects_IDFirst()

const char * RadioEffects_IDFirst ( )

Get the first radio effect in set of radio effects.

32-character unique ID of effect, or empty string if none

◆ RadioEffects_IDNext()

const char * RadioEffects_IDNext ( )

Get the next radio effect in set of radio effects.

32-character unique ID of effect, or empty string if none
See also

◆ RadioEffects_ListCount()

int RadioEffects_ListCount ( )

Get the number of radio effects.

count of radio effects

◆ RadioEffects_Name()

const char * RadioEffects_Name ( const char * radio_effects_id)

Get the name of a radio effect.

radio_effects_id32-character unique ID of radio effect
Name of radio effect, or empty string if id not found
See also
RadioEffects_IDFirst, RadioEffects_IDNext

◆ RadioEffects_Version()

int RadioEffects_Version ( )

Gets the version count for radio effects updates.

This counter increments when any radio effects information is updated.

count of radio effects updates

◆ Replay_Create()

void Replay_Create ( unsigned int milliseconds)

Create new replay and seek to offset.

millisecondsOffset in replay to seek to after creation (value must be positive) in milliseconds

◆ Replay_Length()

int Replay_Length ( void )

Get the length of the replay in milliseconds.

length of replay in milliseconds

◆ Replay_Offset()

int Replay_Offset ( void )

Get the offset from end of the replay in milliseconds.

length of replay in milliseconds

◆ Replay_Pause()

void Replay_Pause ( void )

Pause a playing replay.

See also
Replay_Create, Replay_Resume

◆ Replay_Replaying()

int Replay_Replaying ( void )

Get whether replay is currently replaying.

1 if replaying currently, 0 otherwise

◆ Replay_Resume()

void Replay_Resume ( void )

Continue a paused replay.

See also
Replay_Create, Replay_Pause

◆ Replay_Seek()

void Replay_Seek ( unsigned int milliseconds)

Change to new offset in replay.

millisecondsOffset in replay to seek to (value must be positive) in milliseconds

◆ Rmtx_AutotuneJammer()

void Rmtx_AutotuneJammer ( const char * uuid,
int j_index )

◆ Rmtx_AutotuneRadio()

void Rmtx_AutotuneRadio ( const char * uuid,
int r_index )

◆ Rmtx_GetField()

const char * Rmtx_GetField ( const char * uuid,
const char * field_name )

◆ Rmtx_IDFirst()

const char * Rmtx_IDFirst ( )

◆ Rmtx_IDNext()

const char * Rmtx_IDNext ( )

◆ Rmtx_ListCount()

int Rmtx_ListCount ( )

◆ Rmtx_Radiomon()

void Rmtx_Radiomon ( int status)

◆ Rmtx_Version()

int Rmtx_Version ( )

◆ Role_AutotuneEnabled()

int Role_AutotuneEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether autotune ability is enabled for a role.

1 if role_id is valid and autotune enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_CallAutoAnswerEnabled()

int Role_CallAutoAnswerEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether auto-answer calls feature is enabled.

If enabled, client will automatically answer point-to-point calls

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
1 if role_id is valid and call auto-answer is enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_CallingEnabled()

int Role_CallingEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether calling is enabled for a role.

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
1 if role_id is valid and calling is enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_CallPTTEnabled()

int Role_CallPTTEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether PTT is required to transmit audio on a call.

If enabled, audio will only be sent to ongoing call when PTT is


If disabled, call audio will be automatically transmitted when on a

call. Pressing PTT in this mode will direct mic audio from ongoing

call to radio transmission.

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
1 if role_id is valid and calling is enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_ChannelDisplayMap()

int Role_ChannelDisplayMap ( const char * role_id,
int index )

Get the channel index to display at a given offset.

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
indexoffset in display array
channel index if channel is assigned at that location, -1 otherwise

◆ Role_ChatEnabled()

int Role_ChatEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether chat is enabled for a role.

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
1 if role_id is valid and chat is enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_Id()

const char * Role_Id ( int list_index)

Gets the unique ID of a specified Role.

list_indexindex of role in list
32-character unique identifier of Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_IdActive()

const char * Role_IdActive ( )

Gets the unique ID of the current Role.

This value updates only after a successful connection is made.

32-character unique identifier of Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_IdSet()

const char * Role_IdSet ( )

Gets the unique ID of the last-set Role.

This value updates immediately.

32-character unique identifier for Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_ListCount()

int Role_ListCount ( )

Gets the total number of Roles available to the client.

number of roles

◆ Role_Name()

const char * Role_Name ( int list_index)

Gets the name of a specified Role.

list_indexindex of role in list
name of Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_NameActive()

const char * Role_NameActive ( )

Gets the name of the current Role.

This value updates only after a successful connection is made.

name of Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_NameSet()

const char * Role_NameSet ( )

Gets the name of the last-set Role.

This value updates immediately.

name of Role, or empty string
See also

◆ Role_RadCtrlEnabled()

int Role_RadCtrlEnabled ( const char * role_id)

Gets whether live radio control ability is enabled for a role.

1 if role_id is valid and live radio control enabled, 0 otherwise

◆ Role_SetRole()

void Role_SetRole ( const char * role_id)

Sets a new Role to connect with.

Sends a request to connect to a new role with the specified unique ID. When the connection is complete, the value returned by Role_IdActive will match the role_id parameter.

role_id32-character unique identifier for Role
See also

◆ Role_Version()

int Role_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Role updates.

This counter increments when role information is updated.

count of role updates

◆ Test_SetTestMode()

void Test_SetTestMode ( int mode,
int value )

Sets the test mode.

modemode of type TestMode_t
valueinteger value used by the test

◆ Voisus_ClientBuildVersion()

const char * Voisus_ClientBuildVersion ( )

Gets the build version of the Voisus client.

build version string

◆ Voisus_ClientMsgDate()

const char * Voisus_ClientMsgDate ( )

Gets the timestamp of the Voisus client message protocol.

version string

◆ Voisus_ClientMsgVersion()

const char * Voisus_ClientMsgVersion ( )

Gets the version of the Voisus client message protocol.

version string

◆ Voisus_ConnectCloud()

void Voisus_ConnectCloud ( const char * cloud_id)

Connects to a Voisus Cloud.

Initiates Voisus Client connection to specified server cloud.

cloud_idUnique name of the cloud
This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
See also
Network_ConnectState, Network_ConnectionStatus

◆ Voisus_ConnectServer()

void Voisus_ConnectServer ( const char * target_ip)

Connects to a Voisus Server.

Initiates Voisus Client connection to specified server.

This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
target_ipIPv4 address of the server
See also
Network_ConnectState, Network_ConnectionStatus

◆ Voisus_ConnectSolo()

void Voisus_ConnectSolo ( )

Connects to Voisus Solo.

Initiates a connection to the running Voisus Solo.

This function is blocking and waits for a response before returning.
See also
Network_ConnectState, Network_ConnectionStatus

◆ Voisus_Disconnect()

void Voisus_Disconnect ( )

Disconnects from a Voisus Server.

Disconnects Voisus client from the current connection

See also
Network_ConnectState, Network_ConnectionStatus

◆ Voisus_Error()

int Voisus_Error ( )

Gets current Voisus error state.

error code of type Error_t

◆ Voisus_LogPath()

const char * Voisus_LogPath ( )

Gets the path to the Voisus client log file.

This function is useful for displaying the log in a user application.

full path to log file

◆ Voisus_MonitorPowerEvents()

void Voisus_MonitorPowerEvents ( int hwnd)

Monitors for system power events (on Windows XP/Vista/7/8)

On system suspend/sleep, the client will exit cleanly.

hwndA valid window handle (HWND) used by the GUI

◆ Voisus_Save()

void Voisus_Save ( )

Saves current client configuration to file.

Writes the current settings to a file.
Values will be automatically written after some operations, therefore this function is optional. The last saved settings are automatically loaded when the Voisus Client process starts.

◆ Voisus_ServerBuildVersion()

const char * Voisus_ServerBuildVersion ( )

Gets the build version of the Voisus server.

build version string

◆ Voisus_ServerMasterVolume()

float Voisus_ServerMasterVolume ( )

Gets the master volume on the server.

This volume affects software clients as well as hardware devices

like ACU2 or AI-S when paired with a client.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Voisus_ServerMsgDate()

const char * Voisus_ServerMsgDate ( )

Gets the timestamp of the Voisus server message protocol.

version string

◆ Voisus_ServerMsgVersion()

const char * Voisus_ServerMsgVersion ( )

Gets the version of the Voisus server message protocol.

version string

◆ Voisus_ServerSidetoneVolume()

float Voisus_ServerSidetoneVolume ( )

Gets the sidetone volume on the server.

This volume only applies to hardware devices like ACU2 or AI-S

when paired with a client.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Voisus_SessionId()

const char * Voisus_SessionId ( )

Gets the session id for the current running scenario.

session id string

◆ Voisus_SessionId_Version()

int Voisus_SessionId_Version ( )

Gets the version count of Session ID updates.

This counter increments when session id information is updated.

count of session id updates

◆ Voisus_SetServerMasterVolume()

void Voisus_SetServerMasterVolume ( float volume)

Sets the master volume on the server.

This volume affects software clients as well as hardware devices

like ACU2 or AI-S.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Voisus_SetServerSidetoneVolume()

void Voisus_SetServerSidetoneVolume ( float volume)

Sets the sidetone volume on the server.

This volume only applies to hardware devices like ACU2 or AI-S.

volumevalue in range [0.0, 100.0]

◆ Voisus_SoloInstalled()

int Voisus_SoloInstalled ( )

Gets whether Voisus Solo is installed.

1 if installed, 0 otherwise

◆ VRCC_GetNamedLock()

int VRCC_GetNamedLock ( const char * name)

Attempts to acquire a named lock.

The request to acquire the lock is non-blocking and returns immediately

nameName of the lock to obtain
1 if the lock is obtained, 0 if it is already taken

◆ VRCC_Shutdown()

void VRCC_Shutdown ( )

Shuts down the VRC messaging client.

This function should be called before exiting the program.

This function is blocking and will return after the VRC client shuts down.

◆ VRCC_Start()

int VRCC_Start ( int argc,
char * argv[] )

Starts the VRC messaging client.

This function must be called before any other VRCC API calls can be made.

argcCount of arguments passed to main Voisus client process
argvNULL-terminated list of arguments
This function is blocking and will return after the VRC client starts.
1 on success, 0 on error

◆ VRCC_Update()

int VRCC_Update ( void )

Update the internal state of the VRC Client.

This function must be called in order to receive any updates to the

state of the VRC Client. Typically this will be called in the main

execution loop before accessing any other API calls.

1 on state changed, 0 otherwise

◆ WorldPosition_Get()

void WorldPosition_Get ( double * xcoord,
double * ycoord,
double * zcoord )

Get the world position for a Voisus operator.

xcoordaddress to store X coordinate
ycoordaddress to store Y coordinate
zcoordaddress to store Z coordinate

◆ WorldPosition_Set()

void WorldPosition_Set ( float xcoord,
float ycoord,
float zcoord )

Sets the world position for a Voisus operator.

The world position is specified in geocentric x, y, z coordinates. Coordinates are used to position a player in the three-dimensional audio space for interaction with the Earshot audio environment.

xcoordX coordinate
ycoordY coordinate
zcoordZ coordinate